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🩺Qualification MBChB
⌛ Duration 5 Years
📬 UCAS Course Code A100


The Medicine degree program at the University of Liverpool is a prestigious and highly-regarded pathway for those aspiring to pursue a career in medicine. With a rich heritage spanning over 180 years, the university offers a comprehensive curriculum that combines rigorous theoretical training with practical clinical experience. Students benefit from strong connections to the local healthcare community, gaining invaluable hands-on experience through clinical placements in esteemed hospitals and healthcare institutions. With state-of-the-art facilities, a commitment to evidence-based practice, and a nurturing learning environment, the University of Liverpool equips students with the knowledge, skills, and compassion necessary to excel as medical professionals and make a positive impact in the healthcare field.

University of Liverpool Medicine Entry Requirements
A-levels AAA to include Chemistry together with either Biology, Physics or Mathematics and a third academic subject.
International Baccalaureate 36 points overall (at first sitting): Higher level (HL) a minimum of 6,6,6 to include Chemistry together with either Biology, Physics or Mathematics and a third academic subject. 5,5,5 at standard level (subjects not offered at HL)
International Qualifications University of Liverpool accepts a wide range of international and UK qualifications. However, they should be equivalent in level and content to the A-level and IB requirements. To find out your countries entry requirements please visit this page.
Admissions Test All applicants are required to take the UCAT, a standardised test that assesses cognitive abilities, attitudes, and behaviours that are important for healthcare professionals.
Work Experience Applicants are encouraged to have relevant work experience, which could include volunteering, shadowing doctors or healthcare professionals, or other relevant work experience. This will make them stand out on their application which is crucial when competing in one of the top Universities in the World.
Personal Statement Applicants are required to submit a personal statement that showcases their motivation for studying medicine and highlights any relevant work experience or extracurricular activities.
Interview Shortlisted applicants are invited to attend an interview, which is designed to assess their suitability for the program. The interview usually involves a series of multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) that assess a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, and ethical reasoning.
References Applicants must provide two references, one from a teacher or tutor who has taught them in the last two years and one from someone who can comment on their suitability for studying medicine.

Facilities and Hospital affiliation

The University of Liverpool takes great pride in its exceptional medical facilities and robust network of teaching hospitals, which play a vital role in shaping the educational experience of its Medicine degree students. These state-of-the-art facilities provide an immersive and dynamic learning environment that fosters hands-on clinical training and promotes a comprehensive understanding of medical practice.

Royal Liverpool University Hospital: Situated adjacent to the university campus, the Royal Liverpool University Hospital is a renowned teaching hospital. With its cutting-edge equipment, advanced medical technologies, and interdisciplinary approach, it serves as a primary clinical placement site for medical students. Here, students gain exposure to complex medical cases and have the opportunity to observe and participate in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a wide array of conditions.

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital: The University of Liverpool has established a partnership with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, a leading pediatric hospital. This collaboration provides students with specialized training in pediatrics, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of the unique healthcare needs of children. Students have the opportunity to work alongside expert healthcare professionals and contribute to the well-being of young patients.

Liverpool Women’s Hospital: As a renowned women’s hospital, Liverpool Women’s Hospital offers students valuable clinical placements in obstetrics and gynecology. Through this partnership, students gain firsthand experience in women’s healthcare, including prenatal care, childbirth, and reproductive health. The hospital’s specialized facilities and expert staff enhance students’ learning in this crucial medical field.

Aintree University Hospital: Aintree University Hospital is another prominent teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Liverpool. With a strong focus on emergency medicine and trauma care, this hospital offers students the opportunity to develop critical skills in managing acute medical conditions and emergencies. Working alongside experienced healthcare professionals, students gain invaluable experience in a fast-paced and high-pressure environment.

Clinical Sciences Centre: The Clinical Sciences Centre serves as a hub for medical research, education, and innovation. Equipped with cutting-edge laboratories and research facilities, it provides students with opportunities to engage in groundbreaking research projects and contribute to advancements in medical knowledge. This integration of research and education enriches the learning experience and encourages students to critically evaluate evidence and explore innovative approaches to patient care.

The University of Liverpool also recognizes the importance of community-based healthcare and ensures students have exposure to primary care settings. Through partnerships with local general practices and community clinics, students gain firsthand experience in delivering holistic and patient-centered care within a community context. This exposure nurtures their ability to understand the social determinants of health, develop effective communication skills, and appreciate the importance of continuity of care.


Year Module Description
Year One Systems Block 1 Integrated study of physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, anatomy, genetics, and cell and molecular biology. Focuses on the structure and function of the human body under ‘normal’ conditions.
Systems Block 2 Continuation of integrated study of basic and clinical sciences. Explores additional systems of the human body and their related disciplines.
Communication for Clinical Practice Small group sessions with simulated patients to develop effective communication skills for clinical practice. Prepares students for clinical placements.
Leadership Development Course Collaborative course with 208 Field Hospital focusing on leadership skills development. Provides students with unique opportunities to enhance their leadership abilities in a medical context.
Year Module Description
Year Two Systems Block 3 Further expansion of the integrated ‘Systems’ teaching approach. Focuses on understanding abnormality, illness-related changes, and their interactions with the environment.
Systems Block 4 Continuation of integrated study of basic and clinical sciences. Explores additional systems of the human body in the context of abnormality and illness-related changes.
Secondary Care Placements Experiential program in secondary care settings. Students engage in specific hospital-based tasks, recorded in the e-portfolio, to integrate safely into the clinical environment and apply theoretical knowledge, skills, and professional behavior in clinical practice.
Foundations of Research Introduction to the foundations of research. Provides students with a basic understanding of research principles, methodologies, and ethics, setting the groundwork for future research involvement.
Year Module Description
Year Three Key Principles of Medicine Focuses on the application of skills learned in the first two years of the program into clinical practice. Students gain exposure to the key principles of medicine and surgery, with a focus on understanding core clinical concepts.
Clinical Placement Block 1 Four-week clinical placement block preceded by an ‘Academic’ week. Incorporates lectures, rotation-specific teaching, community clinical teaching, clinical skills preparation, simulation sessions, and time for student-led research and scholarship projects.
Clinical Placement Block 2 Four-week clinical placement block preceded by an ‘Academic’ week. Provides opportunities for students to recognize health problems, develop diagnostic skills, and manage patients in different healthcare settings.
Clinical Placement Block 3 Four-week clinical placement block preceded by an ‘Academic’ week. Students engage in clinical care activities, work with clinical teams, and care for patients under the guidance of supervising clinical staff.
Clinical Placement Block 4 Four-week clinical placement block preceded by an ‘Academic’ week. Provides further opportunities to apply knowledge and skills in clinical practice and work collaboratively in healthcare settings.
Community Clinical Teaching (Primary Care) Rotation-specific teaching focusing on primary care settings. Students learn about community-based healthcare and develop skills for providing holistic and patient-centered care.
Simulation Sessions Practical sessions using simulation exercises to enhance clinical skills and decision-making abilities. Students have the opportunity to practice and refine their clinical techniques in a controlled environment.
Research and Scholarship Projects Time allocated for student-led research and scholarship projects. Students engage in independent or group research projects, fostering critical thinking and contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge.
Year Module Description
Year Four Specialist Placement Block 1 Four-week placement block with a focus on mental health. Provides students with specialist experiences and challenges in the field of mental health care.
Specialist Placement Block 2 Four-week placement block with specialist placements in neurology. Allows students to gain in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of neurology.
Specialist Placement Block 3 Four-week placement block with specialist placements in paediatrics. Focuses on providing students with comprehensive exposure to paediatric healthcare and clinical practice.
Specialist Placement Block 4 Four-week placement block with specialist placements in obstetrics and gynaecology. Provides students with hands-on experience and knowledge in the field of women’s healthcare.
Nationally-Recognized Placement in Palliative Care Placement of excellence in palliative care, recognized at a national level. Allows students to gain insight into providing compassionate care for patients with life-limiting illnesses.
Academic Week Dedicated week incorporating lectures and rotation-specific teaching. Provides students with opportunities for further learning, skill development, and research in specific areas of interest.
Four-Week Elective Students have the option to undertake a four-week elective at the end of Year Four. Many students choose to study abroad during this period, gaining international experience and broadening their medical perspective.
Year Module Description
Year Five Emergency and Acute Medicine Placement Placement in Emergency and Acute Medicine. Provides students with practical experience in managing urgent and acute medical conditions.
Surgery Placement Placement in the field of surgery. Allows students to gain hands-on experience and knowledge in surgical procedures and patient care.
GP Placement Placement in a general practice setting. Students experience primary care and develop skills in providing comprehensive healthcare services.
Psychiatry Placement Placement in the field of psychiatry. Provides students with exposure to mental health care and the management of psychiatric conditions.
Ward Shadowing Experience Block dedicated to consolidating complex clinical skills and professional attributes required for the Foundation Year post. Students shadow healthcare professionals in a clinical ward setting.
Research Project Five-week research project where students can choose to undertake an audit, Quality Improvement Project, community-based project, or a specialist placement of their own choosing. Develops research skills and promotes critical thinking.
Preparation for Practice Weeks and Interprofessional Simulation Academic weeks dedicated to preparation for practice, including support for national examinations and a full week of interprofessional simulation. Ensures students have the necessary skills to deliver complex, acute care within a multi-professional team.

Tuition fees for Home and International students

Studying at the University of Liverpool offers an exceptional education in medicine, but it is important to consider the financial aspects when planning for your degree. The tuition fees for Home (UK) and International students differ, reflecting the varying funding models and support available.

  • Tuition fees for Home students: £9,250 per year

UK students, classified as Home students, benefit from a lower tuition fee rate of £9,250 per year. This fee structure is in line with the standard tuition fees set for undergraduate programs at most universities in the UK. It is worth noting that tuition fees for Home students are subject to change and may vary based on government policies and regulations.

  • Tuition fees for International students: £39,250 per year

International students, who are classified as non-UK residents, are required to pay a higher tuition fee rate. For the Medicine degree program at the University of Liverpool, the annual tuition fee for International students is £39,250. This fee covers the comprehensive education and support provided by the university, including access to state-of-the-art facilities, expert faculty, and clinical placements.

It is essential for international students to plan their finances accordingly and consider potential funding options to support their studies. Here are some avenues to explore for financial assistance:

  1. Scholarships and Bursaries: The University of Liverpool offers a range of scholarships and bursaries specifically tailored for international students. These funding opportunities can help alleviate the financial burden and make the cost of studying more manageable. It is advisable to regularly check the university’s website for updated information on available scholarships and eligibility criteria.
  2. External Scholarships and Grants: There are various organizations, governments, and foundations that provide scholarships and grants to international students pursuing higher education abroad. Researching and applying for these external funding sources can significantly contribute to your financial resources. Consult with your local educational authorities or international scholarship databases for potential opportunities.
  3. Educational Loans: Some students may consider applying for educational loans to cover their tuition fees and living expenses. It is important to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of any loan options, including interest rates, repayment schedules, and eligibility requirements. Research financial institutions that specialize in providing educational loans for international students.
  4. Part-time Work: International students in the UK are typically allowed to work part-time during their studies, subject to certain restrictions. Part-time employment can provide additional income to cover living expenses, but it is crucial to balance work commitments with academic requirements to ensure a successful academic journey.

Before making any financial decisions, it is advisable to consult with the University of Liverpool’s international admissions or student support services for personalized guidance and information regarding funding options. They can provide up-to-date information on scholarships, financial aid, and any additional support available to international students pursuing a Medicine degree at the University of Liverpool.

Funding Options for International Students

International students pursuing a Medicine degree at the University of Liverpool may explore various funding options to support their studies. While the tuition fees for international students are higher compared to Home (UK) students, there are opportunities available to help offset the costs and make the educational journey more affordable. Here are some funding options to consider:

  1. Scholarships and Bursaries: The University of Liverpool offers scholarships and bursaries specifically designed for international students. These financial awards can range from partial to full tuition fee coverage, and eligibility criteria vary. It is recommended to visit the university’s official website or contact the international admissions office to explore available scholarships and bursaries and learn about application procedures and deadlines.
  2. Government Scholarships: Many governments and organizations provide scholarships and grants to support international students in their pursuit of higher education. These funding programs can be country-specific or offered on a bilateral basis. Students are advised to research scholarship opportunities offered by their home country’s government or explore scholarships provided by the UK government and international organizations.
  3. External Scholarships: Numerous foundations, organizations, and corporations worldwide offer scholarships for international students studying abroad. These scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or specific to certain fields of study. Students can search online scholarship databases, consult with educational advisors, and reach out to relevant organizations to discover external funding options available to them.
  4. Student Loans: International students may consider applying for educational loans from financial institutions to cover their tuition fees and living expenses. It is essential to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of the loan, including interest rates, repayment plans, and any associated fees. Students should explore different loan providers and consult with financial advisors to make informed decisions.
  5. Part-Time Employment: International students in the UK are often allowed to work part-time during their studies, which can provide additional income to support their expenses. The university and local communities may offer job opportunities suitable for students, such as working on campus or in local businesses. It is important to ensure that part-time work does not negatively impact academic commitments and complies with visa regulations.
  6. Research and Teaching Assistantships: Some academic departments offer research or teaching assistantship positions for graduate students. These positions often come with a stipend or a partial fee waiver in exchange for assisting professors or conducting research. Students can inquire with their department or faculty about any available assistantship opportunities.

When considering funding options, it is advisable for international students to plan ahead, thoroughly research available resources, and explore multiple avenues to maximize their chances of securing financial support. Additionally, seeking guidance from the University of Liverpool’s international student support services or financial aid offices can provide valuable insights and assistance in navigating the funding process.

Location and Campus

The University of Liverpool is nestled in one of the most vibrant and culturally rich cities in the United Kingdom. Located in the heart of Liverpool, the university offers an exceptional setting for pursuing a Medicine degree. With its historic charm, diverse population, and thriving arts and music scene, Liverpool provides an inspiring backdrop for students embarking on their medical journey. Let’s explore the captivating aspects of the location and the university’s campus.

The City of Liverpool: A Cultural Gem

Liverpool boasts a rich heritage and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage City. The city’s iconic waterfront, with its famous Pier Head and Royal Albert Dock, showcases stunning architecture and is a hub of activity. Strolling along the waterfront, students can soak in the views, visit world-class museums and galleries, and indulge in the vibrant nightlife that Liverpool is renowned for.

The city’s cultural scene is truly exceptional. Liverpool is home to numerous theaters, concert halls, and performance venues, offering a wide range of entertainment options, from West End shows to independent productions. The city’s musical legacy is legendary, being the birthplace of world-famous bands such as The Beatles. Students can explore the Beatles Story exhibition, visit the Cavern Club, and immerse themselves in the rich musical history that still resonates throughout the city.

For those seeking green spaces, Liverpool is blessed with numerous parks and gardens. Sefton Park, with its picturesque lake and Victorian Palm House, provides a tranquil retreat for leisurely walks or picnics. Calderstones Park and Everton Park offer stunning panoramic views of the city skyline, while Otterspool Promenade is perfect for riverside walks or cycling.

The University Campus: State-of-the-Art Facilities

The University of Liverpool’s campus is an amalgamation of historic buildings and modern facilities, seamlessly blending tradition with innovation. The iconic Victoria Building, with its stunning clock tower, stands as a symbol of the university’s rich history. Inside, students can find well-equipped lecture halls, libraries, and study spaces, fostering an environment conducive to learning and collaboration.

The award-winning Sydney Jones Library is a treasure trove of knowledge, housing an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources. With its serene study areas and cutting-edge technology, the library serves as a hub for academic research and study.

The university’s state-of-the-art facilities include modern laboratories, simulation suites, and clinical skills spaces. These spaces allow students to practice and develop their clinical skills in a safe and controlled environment, preparing them for real-world patient care scenarios. The simulation suites provide opportunities for realistic simulations and role-playing exercises, allowing students to apply their theoretical knowledge and enhance their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.

Additionally, the university has established strong links with local healthcare providers, giving students access to a range of clinical placements in renowned hospitals and community healthcare settings. These placements provide invaluable hands-on experience and allow students to work alongside healthcare professionals, further honing their skills and developing their professional networks.

A Student-Friendly City

Liverpool is widely regarded as a student-friendly city, offering a welcoming and inclusive environment for students from around the world. The city is home to a large student population, which contributes to a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. The university itself provides a range of support services, including academic support, career guidance, and well-being resources, ensuring that students have access to the assistance they need to thrive both academically and personally.

The city’s affordability is another advantage for students. Compared to other major UK cities, the cost of living in Liverpool is generally lower, allowing students to make the most of their financial resources. Affordable accommodation options are available both on and off-campus, ensuring that students can find a comfortable and convenient place to live during their studies.

Embrace the Liverpool Experience

Studying medicine at the University of Liverpool offers more than just an outstanding education. It provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the vibrant culture, history, and unique spirit of Liverpool. From exploring world-class museums and enjoying live music performances to savoring the city’s culinary delights and participating in exciting festivals and events, there is always something captivating happening in Liverpool.


Liverpool’s weather is as diverse and dynamic as the city itself, offering a range of atmospheric experiences throughout the year. From crisp winters to vibrant summers, each season brings its own unique charm to this lively city. So, pack your umbrella and sunglasses as we delve into Liverpool’s ever-changing weather.

Spring (March – May)

As spring arrives in Liverpool, the city begins to bloom with new life. Average temperatures range from 45°F (7°C) to 55°F (13°C). While the weather can be changeable, with occasional showers, the city comes alive with vibrant blossoms and lush greenery. Spring is the perfect time to explore Liverpool’s parks and gardens, such as Sefton Park or Calderstones Park. Take leisurely walks, have picnics, and enjoy the blossoming flowers, making the most of the pleasant temperatures and occasional sunny days.

Summer (June – August)

Summer in Liverpool brings warm and enjoyable weather, with average temperatures ranging from 55°F (13°C) to 70°F (21°C). This is the season when the city truly comes alive, and the streets are abuzz with energy. Enjoy sunny days exploring the historic Albert Dock, taking leisurely boat rides along the River Mersey, or visiting the vibrant waterfront bars and restaurants. You can also soak up the sun in one of Liverpool’s beautiful parks, have a picnic by the river, or attend one of the city’s many summer festivals and outdoor events.

Autumn (September – November)

Autumn paints Liverpool with stunning hues of red, orange, and gold as the leaves change color. The temperatures start to cool down, ranging from 50°F (10°C) to 60°F (15°C). It’s a season of crisp air and occasional rain showers, creating a cozy and atmospheric atmosphere. Embrace the autumnal vibes by exploring Liverpool’s cultural scene, visiting art galleries, or attending theater performances. Take leisurely walks along the waterfront, savor warm drinks in cozy cafes, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere as the city transitions into the cooler months.

Winter (December – February)

Winter in Liverpool brings cooler temperatures, ranging from 40°F (4°C) to 50°F (10°C). While it may be colder, the city still offers plenty of charm and excitement. Explore Liverpool’s rich history by visiting its museums and landmarks, such as the iconic Liverpool Cathedral or the fascinating World Museum. As the holiday season approaches, immerse yourself in the festive cheer with Christmas markets, ice skating rinks, and seasonal events. Indulge in hearty meals at traditional pubs, warm up with hot chocolate, and take part in the city’s winter festivities.

Liverpool’s weather may be changeable, but it offers a wonderful backdrop for a variety of activities throughout the year. Whether it’s exploring the city’s cultural landmarks, enjoying outdoor festivals, or indulging in seasonal festivities, there’s always something to do, regardless of the weather. So, embrace Liverpool’s ever-changing climate and make the most of the unique experiences each season brings.

Student Accommodation

Finding the right accommodation is an essential aspect of the student experience, and the University of Liverpool excels in providing a range of excellent options to suit every student’s needs. Whether you prefer the convenience of living on campus or the independence of off-campus housing, Liverpool offers a plethora of choices that make it one of the best cities for student accommodation. Let’s explore the advantages of each option and provide some advice to help you make an informed decision.

Living On Campus: Embrace Convenience and Community

Living on campus offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive choice for many students. The University of Liverpool provides comfortable and well-equipped residences that are conveniently located within close proximity to academic buildings, libraries, and other campus facilities. Here are some of the benefits of living on campus:

1. Proximity to Campus Facilities:

Living on campus means you’re just a short walk away from lectures, study spaces, and campus amenities. This proximity allows you to save time on commuting, giving you more time to focus on your studies and participate in extracurricular activities.

2. Community and Support:

On-campus accommodations foster a strong sense of community, providing opportunities to meet and interact with fellow students from diverse backgrounds. The shared experience of living in close proximity can lead to lifelong friendships and a support network that enhances your university journey.

3. All-Inclusive Facilities:

University-managed accommodations often provide all-inclusive facilities, which means you won’t have to worry about separate bills for utilities and internet. This simplifies budgeting and allows you to focus on your studies without the hassle of managing household expenses.

4. Access to Student Services:

Living on campus ensures easy access to various student services, including academic support, career guidance, and well-being resources. The university’s support staff and residential advisors are readily available to assist you, making the transition to university life smoother.

While living on campus offers many advantages, it’s important to consider a few potential drawbacks:

1. Limited Privacy:

Living in a shared accommodation means you will have less privacy compared to living alone or with fewer roommates. However, universities often provide options for single rooms or studios, which offer more privacy at a higher cost.

2. Noise and Distractions:

Living in a bustling community with other students can sometimes result in noise and distractions. It’s essential to establish open communication and set ground rules with your fellow residents to ensure a conducive living environment for studying and relaxation.

Living Off Campus: Independence and Flexibility

Off-campus accommodation provides an alternative option for students seeking more independence and flexibility. Liverpool offers a wide range of private rentals, including shared houses, apartments, and studio flats. Here are some benefits of living off campus:

1. Independence and Flexibility:

Living off campus allows you to experience greater independence and take on more responsibilities related to managing your own household. It provides an opportunity to establish your own routine, explore the city, and experience a sense of autonomy.

2. More Diverse Housing Options:

Off-campus accommodation offers a wide variety of housing options to suit different preferences and budgets. Whether you’re looking for a cozy studio or a spacious house to share with friends, Liverpool has an abundance of choices to cater to your needs.

3. Integration with the Local Community:

Living off campus provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local community and experience the city beyond the university campus. You can explore different neighborhoods, discover hidden gems, and engage with the vibrant culture of Liverpool.

4. Potentially Lower Costs:

In some cases, off-campus accommodation can be more cost-effective than on-campus options. However, it’s essential to consider additional expenses such as utilities, internet, and transportation.


In conclusion, the University of Liverpool’s Medicine degree program offers aspiring medical students a comprehensive and enriching educational experience. With a focus on academic excellence, practical training, and a supportive community, this university rovides an ideal environment for students to pursue their medical aspirations. The state-of-the-art facilities, integrated teaching approach, and access to renowned hospitals ensure that students receive a well-rounded education and valuable clinical experience. Moreover, the vibrant city of Liverpool, with its cultural heritage and diverse opportunities, enhances the overall university experience. By choosing the University of Liverpool, aspiring medical students can embark on a journey that will prepare them for a successful and fulfilling career in the medical field.