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🩺Qualification MBBS
⌛ Duration 6 Years
📬 UCAS Course Code A101


Welcome to the Medicine Degree program at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), where we strive to shape compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals. Our comprehensive and rigorous curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, expertise, and clinical acumen necessary to excel in the dynamic field of medicine. With a strong emphasis on practical training and patient-centered care, our program combines cutting-edge medical advancements with a deep understanding of the social, ethical, and cultural aspects of healthcare. At UCLan, we foster a supportive learning environment, providing students with invaluable opportunities to collaborate with experienced faculty, engage in clinical placements, and actively contribute to the well-being of diverse communities. Join us on this transformative educational journey, where you will acquire the competencies and values needed to make a lasting impact in the healthcare profession.

Entry requirements

Because this course was built specifically for international students, you are not required to take the UCAT.

University of Central Lancashire Medicine Entry Requirements
A-levels ABB in Biology and Chemistry plus a third science subject.
IELTS 7.0 with no component lower than 7.0
International Qualifications University of Central Lancashire accepts a wide range of international and UK qualifications. However, they should be equivalent in level and content to the A-level and IB requirements. To find out your countries entry requirements please visit this page.
Work Experience Applicants are encouraged to have relevant work experience, which could include volunteering, shadowing doctors or healthcare professionals, or other relevant work experience. This will make them stand out on their application which is crucial when competing in one of the top Universities in the World.
Personal Statement Applicants are required to submit a personal statement that showcases their motivation for studying medicine and highlights any relevant work experience or extracurricular activities.
Interview Shortlisted applicants are invited to attend an interview, which is designed to assess their suitability for the program. The interview usually involves a series of multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) that assess a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, and ethical reasoning.
References Applicants must provide two references, one from a teacher or tutor who has taught them in the last two years and one from someone who can comment on their suitability for studying medicine.

Medical Facilities and Teaching Hospitals

The Medicine Degree program at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) offers students access to exceptional medical facilities and teaching hospitals, providing a rich and immersive learning environment. Our partnership with renowned healthcare institutions ensures that students have access to state-of-the-art facilities and a diverse range of clinical experiences.

UCLan Medical School and Simulation Suites

The UCLan Medical School is equipped with cutting-edge simulation suites and technology-enhanced learning resources. These advanced facilities allow students to develop their clinical skills in a safe and controlled environment before applying them in real-world settings.

Teaching Hospitals and Clinical Placements

Our program is affiliated with several teaching hospitals, including the prestigious Royal Preston Hospital, serving as a major regional center for healthcare and medical education. Through these partnerships, students have the opportunity to participate in clinical placements, working alongside experienced healthcare professionals in various specialties. This hands-on experience enables students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical situations, enhancing their clinical reasoning, communication, and teamwork skills.

Primary Care Practices and Community Hospitals

UCLan’s strong connections with local primary care practices and community hospitals offer students the chance to gain a comprehensive understanding of healthcare beyond hospital settings. These placements provide valuable exposure to primary healthcare services, allowing students to develop a holistic perspective on patient care and witness the vital role of preventive medicine in promoting community well-being.

Diverse Patient Population and Multidisciplinary Teams

The teaching hospitals affiliated with our program boast a diverse patient population, allowing students to encounter a wide range of medical conditions and gain insights into the challenges faced by different communities. Students will have the opportunity to work alongside multidisciplinary teams, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals, fostering a collaborative approach to patient care.

Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Our program emphasizes the importance of research and evidence-based practice. Students are encouraged to engage in research projects and clinical audits, fostering a culture of inquiry and critical thinking. The teaching hospitals provide access to research facilities, enabling students to collaborate with faculty members on groundbreaking research initiatives, contributing to advancements in medical knowledge and patient care.

At UCLan, we understand that an immersive clinical experience is integral to a well-rounded medical education. Our strong network of medical facilities and teaching hospitals, combined with a curriculum that integrates clinical skills training from an early stage, ensures that our students graduate as competent and confident medical professionals. Whether it is through hands-on patient care, research, or community engagement, our program equips students with the skills, knowledge, and compassion necessary to excel in the ever-evolving field of medicine.


Year 0

Compulsory modules
  • XYC001: Biological and Chemical Systems
  • XYC002: Body Systems
  • XYC003: Investigative Skills using Mathematics
Optional modules
  • XY1004: Scientific Communication
  • XY1005: Case study approach to scientific problem solving
  • EF1501: English for Academic and Professional Development 1
  • EF1502: English for Academic and Professional Development 2
  • EF1337: English for Medical Sciences

Year 1

Compulsory modules
  • UM1010: Integrated Science and Clinical Medicine 1
  • UM1020: Evidence Informed Practice of Medicine 1
  • UM1030: Medical Skills and Quality Care 1

Year 2

Compulsory modules
  • UM2010: Integrated Science and Clinical Medicine 2
  • UM2020: Evidence Informed Practice of Medicine 2
  • UM2030: Medical Skills and Quality Care 2

Year 3

Compulsory modules
  • UM3010: Medicine in Clinical Practice 1
  • UM3020: Evidence Informed Practice of Medicine 3
  • UM3030: Medical Skills and Quality Care 3

Year 4

Compulsory modules
  • UM4010: Medicine and Clinical Practice 2
  • UM4020: Evidence Informed Practice of Medicine 4
  • UM4030: Medical Skills and Quality Care 4

Year 5

Compulsory modules
  • UM4080: Transition to Clinical Practice

Tuition fees

At the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), we are committed to providing a transparent and inclusive education system. Our tuition fees for International students reflect the high-quality education and exceptional learning experience we offer.

International Students

For International students, the tuition fees for the Medicine Degree program at UCLan are also as follows:

  • First Year: £30,000 for the first year.
  • Subsequent Years: £50,000 per year for full-time study.

We understand that financing an education is a significant consideration for students and their families. At UCLan, we are committed to ensuring that students have access to the resources and information they need to make informed decisions regarding their financial investment in their education. We encourage both Home and International students to explore the available funding options and seek guidance from our dedicated support services to ensure a smooth and successful academic journey at UCLan.

Scholarships and Financing Options for International Students

At the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), we are committed to providing support and opportunities for all our students, including international students. We understand the financial considerations involved in pursuing higher education abroad and offer various scholarships and financing options to assist international students in their academic journey.

Scholarships for International Students

UCLan offers a range of scholarships specifically designed to support international students. These scholarships may include:

  • International Merit Scholarships: UCLan offers merit-based scholarships to high-achieving international students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance. These scholarships can significantly reduce tuition fees and provide financial support throughout the student’s degree program.
  • Subject-Specific Scholarships: UCLan provides scholarships for specific academic disciplines or areas of study. These scholarships recognize exceptional talent and encourage students to excel in their chosen fields.
  • Sports Scholarships: UCLan understands the importance of supporting student-athletes who strive to maintain their playing careers while pursuing a high-quality degree. Our sports scholarships offer financial assistance to talented athletes, enabling them to balance their academic and sporting commitments.

It is important for international students to research and explore the eligibility criteria, application process, and deadlines for these scholarships. The UCLan website and the International Office provide comprehensive information on available scholarships, including the specific requirements and benefits associated with each scholarship.

Other Financing Options

In addition to scholarships, international students can explore other financing options to support their studies at UCLan. These options may include:

  • Government Scholarships: Many governments offer scholarships and financial aid programs for students studying abroad. International students are encouraged to investigate whether their home country provides such opportunities and to apply for relevant scholarships offered by their governments.
  • Sponsorships and Employer Funding: Some international students may have the opportunity to secure sponsorships or receive financial support from their employers. It is advisable for students to consult with their employers or sponsor organizations to explore possible funding options.
  • Educational Loans: Financial institutions in some countries provide educational loans specifically for students pursuing higher education abroad. International students should research and inquire about educational loan options available in their home countries and consider them as a viable financing option.

The International Office at UCLan is a valuable resource for international students seeking guidance on scholarships and other financing options. The dedicated staff can provide information, advice, and support to help students navigate the funding process and explore the best financial solutions for their individual circumstances.

UCLan is committed to ensuring that talented international students have the opportunity to access and benefit from our high-quality education. Through scholarships, financial aid programs, and comprehensive support services, we aim to empower international students to achieve their academic and career aspirations at UCLan.

Location and Campus


  • State-of-the-Art Learning Spaces: UCLan boasts state-of-the-art lecture theaters, classrooms, and seminar rooms equipped with the latest technology and resources. These spaces are designed to facilitate interactive and engaging learning experiences, enabling students to make the most of their academic journey.
  • Specialized Laboratories: Our campus houses specialized laboratories that cater to the unique needs of various disciplines, including medicine, science, engineering, and technology. These labs provide students with hands-on experience, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios and conduct cutting-edge research.
  • Library and Learning Resources: The UCLan Library offers extensive collections of books, journals, online resources, and multimedia materials to support students’ research and studies. The library also provides dedicated spaces for individual and group study, equipped with modern technology and comfortable seating.
  • Student Union: The UCLan Student Union is a vibrant center of student life, providing a range of services, support, and social activities. It offers students the opportunity to join clubs and societies, participate in sports and recreational activities, and engage in various events and campaigns throughout the year.

Inspiring Surroundings

UCLan’s campus is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and green spaces, creating an inspiring and calming atmosphere for students. The campus itself is beautifully landscaped, offering peaceful areas for relaxation and socializing. These serene surroundings provide a welcome retreat from the demands of academic life, allowing students to find balance and recharge.

Cultural and Social Hub

Preston, the city where UCLan is located, is a vibrant and diverse cultural hub with a rich heritage. The city boasts a wide range of art galleries, museums, theaters, and music venues, providing students with ample opportunities to engage with the arts and cultural scene. Additionally, Preston offers a bustling nightlife, a variety of restaurants and cafes, and vibrant shopping districts, ensuring that students have access to a wide range of social and recreational activities.

Community Engagement

UCLan is deeply rooted in the local community, with strong connections to local businesses, organizations, and healthcare institutions. This community engagement provides students with opportunities for internships, placements, and collaborative projects, enabling them to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings. The university actively encourages students to engage in volunteering and community initiatives, fostering a sense of social responsibility and making a positive impact on the local community.

Student Accommodation

UCLan offers a range of student accommodation options both on and off-campus. The university-owned halls of residence provide comfortable and secure living spaces, fostering a supportive community where students can thrive academically and socially. Off-campus housing options are also readily available, catering to different preferences and budgets.

The combination of our prime location, modern facilities, inspiring surroundings, vibrant student community, and strong community engagement makes UCLan an ideal place for students to pursue their academic goals and personal development. Whether students seek an enriching educational experience, cultural exploration, or vibrant social life, UCLan and its surroundings offer a truly exceptional and memorable journey of growth and discovery.


In summary, the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) provides a Medicine Degree program that offers students a comprehensive education and training in medicine. The program is designed to produce compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals who are equipped with the knowledge, expertise, and clinical acumen needed to excel in the dynamic field of medicine. With a strong emphasis on practical training and patient-centered care, UCLan’s curriculum combines cutting-edge medical advancements with a deep understanding of the social, ethical, and cultural aspects of healthcare. Students have access to exceptional medical facilities and teaching hospitals, including the UCLan Medical School and prestigious partnerships with renowned healthcare institutions. These partnerships allow students to gain hands-on experience through clinical placements, working alongside experienced healthcare professionals in various specialties. UCLan also emphasizes the importance of research and evidence-based practice, providing students with opportunities to engage in research projects and clinical audits. Additionally, the university offers various funding options, including scholarships and financial aid programs, to support international students. UCLan’s prime location in Preston, with its vibrant city life and access to beautiful countryside, offers a stimulating and inspiring environment for learning. The campus itself provides state-of-the-art facilities, specialized laboratories, a well-equipped library, and a lively Student Union. UCLan’s commitment to community engagement ensures that students have opportunities for internships, placements, and collaborative projects, making a positive impact on the local community. Overall, UCLan provides a transformative educational experience that prepares students to become competent and compassionate medical professionals, ready to make a lasting impact in the healthcare profession.