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🩺Qualification MBCHB
⌛ Duration 4.5 Years
📬 UCAS Course Code 71A8


Introducing the University of Buckingham’s esteemed Medicine course, where aspiring medical professionals embark on a transformative journey of academic excellence and practical experience. Recognized for its unique approach to medical education, this pioneering institution offers a distinctive four-and-a-half-year accelerated program, crafted to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and compassion necessary for a successful career in the field of medicine. With a strong emphasis on personalized learning, clinical exposure from the outset, and a commitment to nurturing holistic healthcare practitioners, the University of Buckingham’s Medicine course stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, shaping the next generation of medical leaders.

Entry Requirements

University of Buckingham Medicine Entry Requirements
A-levels ABB in Biology and Chemistry plus a third science subject.
International Baccalaureate 34 points with Higher Level 6 in Chemistry & Biology.
GCSE Grade C in Maths and English.
International Qualifications University of Buckingham accepts a wide range of international and UK qualifications. However, they should be equivalent in level and content to the A-level and IB requirements. To find out your countries entry requirements please visit this page.
Admissions Test There is no admission test.
Work Experience Applicants are encouraged to have relevant work experience, which could include volunteering, shadowing doctors or healthcare professionals, or other relevant work experience. This will make them stand out on their application which is crucial when competing in one of the top Universities in the World.
Personal Statement Applicants are required to submit a personal statement that showcases their motivation for studying medicine and highlights any relevant work experience or extracurricular activities.
Interview Shortlisted applicants are invited to attend an interview, which is designed to assess their suitability for the program. The interview usually involves a series of multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) that assess a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, and ethical reasoning.
References Applicants must provide two references, one from a teacher or tutor who has taught them in the last two years and one from someone who can comment on their suitability for studying medicine.

The admissions process for the University of Buckingham’s Medicine course operates through three distinct stages, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of applicants. These stages are:

Stage One: Academic Selection
The first stage, Academic Selection, focuses on assessing the written applications. The primary criterion in this stage is academic achievement, which serves as an indicator of intellectual suitability for a medical course and the practice of medicine. The university expects applicants to have achieved academic qualifications at the highest level, comparable to those of students admitted to other medical schools in the United Kingdom. It is important to note that the ability to pay tuition fees does not compensate for academic performance below the standard required for admission to a medical course in the UK.

Stage Two: Multiple Mini Assessment (MMI)
The second stage, the Multiple Mini Assessment (MMI), is reserved for candidates who meet the academic threshold set in the first stage. The purpose of the MMI is to evaluate personal attributes and characteristics relevant to suitability for medical practice. This computer-based assessment consists of a series of tasks designed to test applicants’ analytical, interpretative, and judgment abilities in relation to the principles outlined in ‘Good Medical Practice,’ a publication by the UK General Medical Council. Satisfactory performance in the MMI allows candidates to progress to the final stage of the application process. In exceptional cases, applicants demonstrating exceptionally high performance may even receive an offer at this stage.

Stage Three: Objective Structured Selection Examination (OSSE)
The third and final stage is the Objective Structured Selection Examination (OSSE). This stage aims to assess personal attributes essential for effective medical practice. It consists of a series of tasks carefully designed to evaluate applicants’ abilities in line with the standards outlined in ‘Good Medical Practice’ by the UK General Medical Council. Through the OSSE, the university seeks to ensure that candidates possess the necessary qualities and aptitude required to excel as future doctors.

Medical Facilities and Teaching Hospitals

The University of Buckingham’s Medicine course offers students an unparalleled opportunity to learn and grow within a dynamic and immersive medical environment. The program is supported by a comprehensive network of world-class medical facilities and teaching hospitals, providing students with an exceptional learning environment that merges theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

On-Campus Facilities

At the heart of this network is the renowned Buckingham Medical School, purpose-built and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that mimic real-life healthcare settings. The school houses modern lecture theaters, well-equipped laboratories, and simulation suites where students can hone their clinical skills through realistic simulations, preparing them for the challenges of a clinical environment.

Teaching Hospitals

Complementing the on-campus facilities, the University of Buckingham has established strong affiliations with prestigious teaching hospitals. These partnerships offer students the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in diverse healthcare settings, broadening their exposure and preparing them for real-world medical practice. One major partner is the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, known for its commitment to patient care and clinical excellence. Through placements in this trust, students have the opportunity to observe and actively participate in a wide range of medical specialties, fostering a deep understanding of the multidisciplinary approach to patient management.

National and International Affiliations

The university’s affiliations extend beyond the local area, with partnerships with renowned teaching hospitals both nationally and internationally. These hospitals provide diverse exposure to various medical specialties, fostering a well-rounded understanding of medical practice. Students have the opportunity to undertake placements in these affiliated hospitals, gaining valuable experience and insights into different healthcare systems. Additionally, the University of Buckingham offers elective placements within the UK and abroad, allowing students to immerse themselves in different healthcare contexts and cultures. This global perspective not only broadens their horizons but also enhances their ability to provide culturally sensitive and patient-centered care.

Experienced Faculty

The University of Buckingham’s commitment to clinical excellence is exemplified by its highly experienced faculty, comprising medical experts, clinicians, and researchers. These dedicated professionals bring their wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to the classroom, ensuring students receive comprehensive and up-to-date medical education. The faculty’s close integration with the teaching hospitals facilitates a seamless transition between classroom learning and clinical practice, enabling students to apply their theoretical understanding in real-world settings.


Tuition Fees for Home and International Students

Studying medicine at the University of Buckingham is an investment in your future, and it’s essential to understand the tuition fees associated with the Medicine course. For both UK and international students, the tuition fee for the program is £39,000.

UK Students

For UK students, the tuition fee of £39,000 reflects the commitment of the University of Buckingham to provide a high-quality medical education. It is important to note that tuition fees for UK students may be subject to annual increases. Prospective UK students should consult the university’s official website or contact the admissions office directly to stay updated on the latest fee information.

International Students

International students, like their UK counterparts, are also required to pay a tuition fee of £39,000 for the Medicine course at the University of Buckingham. This fee structure demonstrates the university’s dedication to providing equal opportunities and access to medical education for students from around the world.

Funding Options for International Students

While tuition fees are a significant consideration for international students, it’s worth exploring various funding options to support your studies. Here are a few potential avenues to explore:

  1. Scholarships and Bursaries: The University of Buckingham offers a range of scholarships and bursaries specifically designed to support international students. These financial awards can help alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with tuition fees. It is advisable to visit the university’s official website and explore the available scholarships and bursaries for which you may be eligible.
  2. External Scholarships: International students may also be eligible for external scholarships provided by organizations, foundations, governments, or other funding bodies in their home countries. Research and reach out to these entities to explore potential scholarship opportunities that can help fund your medical education.
  3. Education Loans: International students can consider securing education loans from financial institutions or government programs in their home countries. It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of any loan agreements and understand the repayment obligations before proceeding.
  4. Part-time Employment: Depending on the visa regulations and the policies of the host country, international students may be allowed to work part-time during their studies. Exploring part-time job opportunities can provide additional income to help cover living expenses and contribute towards tuition fees.

It is crucial for international students to plan their finances carefully, considering the tuition fees and the cost of living in the host country. Consulting with the university’s financial aid office or international student support services can provide valuable guidance and resources to navigate the funding options available.

Remember to explore funding opportunities well in advance, as application deadlines for scholarships and bursaries may vary. By being proactive and thorough in your research, you can identify financial resources that will support your journey towards a medical degree at the University of Buckingham.

Location and Campus

The University of Buckingham’s Medicine course is nestled in the charming and historic town of Buckingham, England. The location offers a picturesque setting with a rich heritage, creating an inspiring and conducive environment for learning and personal growth.

Beautiful Buckinghamshire

Buckinghamshire, the county in which Buckingham is situated, is known for its stunning countryside landscapes, picturesque villages, and vibrant cultural scene. The town itself exudes a sense of tranquility and charm, characterized by its traditional architecture, quaint streets, and friendly community. With its close proximity to the stunning Chiltern Hills, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, students have the opportunity to explore the great outdoors, enjoy scenic walks, and experience the tranquility of nature during their study breaks.

A Supportive and Personalized Campus

The University of Buckingham takes pride in its close-knit campus community, where students are not just a number but individuals who are valued and supported throughout their medical journey. The compact size of the campus fosters a sense of belonging, allowing students to forge meaningful connections with fellow classmates, faculty, and staff.

The campus itself offers modern facilities designed to enhance the learning experience. The state-of-the-art lecture theaters provide a comfortable and engaging environment for academic lectures, while well-equipped laboratories enable hands-on scientific exploration and research. The dedicated library offers an extensive collection of medical literature and resources, ensuring students have access to the knowledge they need to excel in their studies.

Furthermore, the university recognizes the importance of well-being and provides comprehensive support services to its students. From mental health support to academic guidance, students can access a range of resources to ensure their well-being and academic success. The friendly and approachable faculty and staff are always ready to offer advice, mentorship, and assistance whenever needed.

Access to World-Class Medical Facilities

While Buckingham itself is a charming town, students also benefit from the university’s strategic partnerships with renowned teaching hospitals and healthcare facilities. These affiliations provide students with valuable clinical exposure and hands-on experience in diverse healthcare settings. Whether it’s observing surgeries, participating in consultations, or honing clinical skills under the guidance of experienced professionals, students have the opportunity to witness the practical application of their medical knowledge and gain a comprehensive understanding of patient care.

The proximity of Buckingham to major cities like Oxford, Cambridge, and London further enhances the student experience. Students can easily access the vibrant cultural and social offerings of these cities, enriching their educational journey with visits to world-class museums, cultural events, and networking opportunities within the medical community.

A Rich Tapestry of History and Culture

Beyond its academic offerings, Buckingham offers a captivating blend of history and culture. The town’s historical landmarks, such as Buckingham Old Gaol Museum and Stowe House, provide glimpses into the past and offer a sense of heritage. The annual Buckingham Literary Festival, featuring renowned authors and speakers, adds a touch of intellectual stimulation to the cultural landscape.

The local community embraces the student population, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Students can engage with local initiatives, join community events, and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of Buckinghamshire life.

Weather in Buckingham

Buckingham enjoys a temperate maritime climate, typical of the United Kingdom. The weather in this region offers a diverse range of seasons, each with its own unique charm and opportunities for outdoor activities.

Spring (March – May)

As winter fades away, spring brings a refreshing change to Buckingham’s weather. Temperatures start to rise, with average highs ranging from 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F) and lows ranging from 3°C to 7°C (37°F to 45°F). Springtime showers are common, but they contribute to the vibrant blooming of flowers and lush greenery throughout the town. The moderate temperatures make it an ideal time to explore Buckingham’s beautiful parks and gardens, such as Stowe Landscape Gardens or Bourton House Garden. Take a leisurely walk or have a picnic amidst the vibrant spring blossoms.

Summer (June – August)

Summers in Buckingham are pleasantly warm and perfect for outdoor activities. Average temperatures range from 18°C to 23°C (64°F to 73°F), with occasional highs reaching up to 28°C (82°F). The longer days provide ample sunlight for exploring the picturesque countryside, embarking on hiking trails in the Chiltern Hills, or enjoying a leisurely bike ride along the scenic routes. Visit local farmers’ markets to savor fresh produce and soak up the lively atmosphere of summer festivals and outdoor events. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen and sunglasses for those sunny summer days!

Autumn (September – November)

Autumn in Buckingham showcases nature’s artistry as the foliage transforms into a vivid palette of reds, oranges, and yellows. Average temperatures range from 12°C to 17°C (54°F to 63°F) during the day and drop to 6°C to 10°C (43°F to 50°F) in the evenings. The crisp and cooler weather offers the perfect opportunity to explore the scenic trails of the Buckinghamshire countryside or take leisurely strolls through parks like The National Trust’s Stowe Gardens, enjoying the stunning autumnal landscapes. Warm up with a cup of hot chocolate or a pumpkin-spiced treat from local cafes as you embrace the cozy ambiance of the season.

Winter (December – February)

Winters in Buckingham are generally mild with occasional chilly spells. Average temperatures range from 3°C to 8°C (37°F to 46°F), while nighttime temperatures can drop to around 1°C (34°F). The town’s historic buildings, adorned with festive decorations, create a magical atmosphere during the holiday season. Explore the local Christmas markets, attend traditional winter fairs, or cozy up in one of Buckingham’s charming pubs with a warm drink. If the weather permits, venture to nearby ski resorts or indoor ice skating rinks for some winter sports and recreation.

No matter the season, Buckingham offers a variety of outdoor and indoor activities to suit the weather. From exploring the picturesque countryside to indulging in seasonal festivities, the town provides ample opportunities to embrace the changing weather and make the most of each season’s unique offerings. So, whether you prefer basking in the summer sunshine or witnessing the natural beauty of autumn, Buckingham’s weather ensures there is something exciting to experience throughout the year.

Student Accommodation

The University of Buckingham prides itself on providing exceptional accommodation options for its students, making it an ideal place to live and study. Whether you choose to live on campus or off campus, Buckingham offers a range of advantages that contribute to an enriching and supportive student experience.

Living on Campus

Living on campus provides numerous benefits, creating a vibrant and inclusive community for students. Here are some advantages of living on campus at the University of Buckingham:


  1. Convenience: On-campus accommodation places students within close proximity to classrooms, libraries, and other university facilities. This proximity saves valuable time and energy, allowing students to focus on their studies and actively engage in campus activities.
  2. Sense of Community: Living on campus fosters a strong sense of community and belonging. It provides opportunities to form lasting friendships, participate in social events, and engage with a diverse range of students from various academic disciplines. The communal living environment allows for easy collaboration and support among peers.
  3. Access to Resources: On-campus accommodation offers easy access to university resources, such as academic support services, libraries, sports facilities, and study spaces. Students can conveniently access these resources, enhancing their learning experience and overall well-being.
  4. Safety and Security: Campus accommodation typically comes with security measures and staff dedicated to ensuring the safety of students. This provides peace of mind for both students and their families, creating a secure and comfortable living environment.


  1. Limited Privacy: Living in close proximity to other students may result in reduced privacy compared to living off campus. Shared facilities and communal living spaces require a degree of adaptability and consideration for others.
  2. Restricted Independence: On-campus accommodation often has certain rules and regulations to maintain a harmonious living environment. Students may have to adhere to specific policies regarding noise, guests, and other aspects of communal living.

Living Off Campus

While living on campus has its advantages, some students may prefer the flexibility and independence of off-campus accommodation. Here are some considerations for living off campus:


  1. Flexibility: Living off campus allows students to explore a wider range of housing options, such as apartments, shared houses, or private rentals. This flexibility enables students to choose a living arrangement that suits their preferences and lifestyle.
  2. Independence and Responsibility: Off-campus living promotes independence and self-sufficiency, as students are responsible for managing their own household, including tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, and budgeting. This experience can foster personal growth and life skills development.
  3. Integration with the Local Community: Renting off campus often provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in the local community. Engaging with local residents and experiencing the town’s culture and lifestyle can enrich the overall university experience.


  1. Distance from Campus: Living off campus may require commuting to university facilities, which can be time-consuming and costly. It is important to consider the distance from campus and evaluate transportation options to ensure a manageable commute.
  2. Additional Responsibilities: Off-campus living comes with added responsibilities, such as finding suitable accommodation, managing utility bills, and dealing with landlords or rental agencies. Students need to be proactive and organized in handling these responsibilities.

Advice for Choosing Accommodation

When selecting accommodation, whether on or off campus, consider the following tips:

  1. Plan Early: Begin your search for accommodation well in advance to secure your preferred option. Popular on-campus accommodations may fill up quickly, so early application is advisable.
  2. Consider Budget: Set a realistic budget for accommodation, including rent, utility bills, and other living expenses. Ensure that your chosen accommodation is within your financial means.
  3. Location: Evaluate the location of the accommodation in relation to campus, amenities, and transportation links. Consider factors such as safety, proximity to essential services, and convenience.
  4. Facilities and Amenities: Assess the facilities and amenities offered by the accommodation, including access to laundry facilities, common areas, study spaces, and internet connectivity.
  5. Seek Advice: Reach out to the university’s accommodation office or student services for guidance and support in finding suitable accommodation. They can provide valuable information and assist you throughout the process.


In summary, the University of Buckingham offers exceptional accommodation options for its students, creating a supportive and enriching environment for living and learning. Whether choosing to live on campus or off campus, students can benefit from various advantages.

Living on campus provides convenience, a strong sense of community, easy access to university resources, and enhanced safety and security. However, it may involve some limitations on privacy and independence due to shared facilities and communal living.

On the other hand, living off campus offers flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to integrate with the local community. It allows students to explore a wider range of housing options and promotes personal growth and responsibility. However, it may involve a longer commute and additional responsibilities in managing household tasks and rental agreements.

When choosing accommodation, students should plan early, consider their budget, evaluate the location and facilities, and seek advice from the university’s accommodation office or student services.

Overall, the University of Buckingham strives to provide excellent accommodation options that cater to the diverse needs of its students, creating a supportive and vibrant living environment that enhances the overall university experience. Whether living on campus or off campus, students can find a comfortable and welcoming home as they embark on their educational journey at the University of Buckingham.