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🩺Qualification MBCHB
⌛ Duration 5 Years
📬 UCAS Course Code A100


Welcome to the Medicine Course at Lancaster University, where we strive to cultivate the next generation of compassionate and competent medical professionals. Our program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive and rigorous education that combines cutting-edge scientific knowledge with practical clinical skills. Through a dynamic curriculum, interactive learning experiences, and close mentorship from esteemed faculty, we aim to equip you with the expertise and empathy necessary to deliver high-quality healthcare in an ever-evolving medical landscape. Join us on this transformative journey as we empower you to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities around the world.

Entry Requirements

Lancaster University Medicine Entry Requirements
A-levels AAA in Biology and Chemistry plus a third science subject.
International Baccalaureate 36 points overall with at least 6 in 3 Higher Level subjects including any 2 of Biology, Chemistry and Psychology
International Qualifications Lancaster University accepts a wide range of international and UK qualifications. However, they should be equivalent in level and content to the A-level and IB requirements. To find out your countries entry requirements please visit this page.
Admissions Test All applicants must complete the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT). For 2024. entry, the BMAT will take place in October 2023 (after application).
Work Experience Applicants are encouraged to have relevant work experience, which could include volunteering, shadowing doctors or healthcare professionals, or other relevant work experience. This will make them stand out on their application which is crucial when competing in one of the top Universities in the World.
Personal Statement Applicants are required to submit a personal statement that showcases their motivation for studying medicine and highlights any relevant work experience or extracurricular activities.
Interview Shortlisted applicants are invited to attend an interview, which is designed to assess their suitability for the program. The interview usually involves a series of multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) that assess a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, and ethical reasoning.
References Applicants must provide two references, one from a teacher or tutor who has taught them in the last two years and one from someone who can comment on their suitability for studying medicine.

For a complete list of all entry requirements please visit the course page.

Medical Facilities and Teaching Hospitals

Within the Medicine Course at Lancaster University, our students have access to exceptional medical facilities and teaching hospitals that form the backbone of their practical training and clinical experiences. We have established strong partnerships with renowned healthcare institutions both locally and nationally, ensuring that our students have access to a diverse range of medical settings and patient populations.

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technologies

Our affiliated teaching hospitals boast state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technologies, and a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. From the bustling emergency departments to the specialized units, our students are exposed to a wide array of medical conditions, enabling them to develop a robust understanding of healthcare delivery across various specialties.

Simulation Centres for Practical Training

The medical facilities at Lancaster University are equipped with modern simulation centres that provide immersive and realistic training environments. These centres replicate clinical scenarios, allowing our students to practice essential skills and procedures under the guidance of experienced instructors. Through simulated patient interactions, our students gain confidence in conducting medical histories, performing physical examinations, and honing their diagnostic abilities.

Clinical Rotations at Teaching Hospitals

In addition to the simulation centres, our students have the privilege of participating in clinical rotations at our affiliated teaching hospitals. These hospitals serve as invaluable learning environments, where students work alongside dedicated medical professionals who serve as mentors and role models. Through this mentorship, students gain insight into the complexities of patient care, the importance of effective communication, and the ethical considerations involved in healthcare decision-making. Our teaching hospitals provide a breadth of clinical experiences across various departments, including internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry, and more.

Integration of Research and Clinical Practice

Furthermore, our students benefit from the close collaboration between our faculty and healthcare professionals at our teaching hospitals. This partnership fosters an environment of continuous learning and encourages research initiatives that push the boundaries of medical knowledge. Students have opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research projects, contribute to scientific publications, and present their findings at national and international conferences. This integration of research and clinical practice instils in our students a spirit of inquiry and a commitment to evidence-based medicine.

Community-Based Healthcare Programs

To ensure comprehensive and well-rounded training, our students also participate in community-based healthcare programs, reaching out to underserved populations and developing an understanding of the social determinants of health. Through these experiences, students gain a broader perspective on healthcare disparities and the importance of addressing them through community engagement and advocacy.


Medicine Year 1

Module Description
Module 1 Introduction to Biomedical Science
Module 2 Introduction to Social Science in Medicine
Module 3 Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System
Module 4 Structure and Function of the Respiratory System
Module 5 Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal System
Module 6 Structure and Function of the Renal System
Module 7 Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System
Module 8 Structure and Function of the Nervous System
Module 9 Structure and Function of the Endocrine System
Module 10 Structure and Function of the Reproductive System
Module 11 Basic Clinical Skills and Communication Training

Medicine Year 2

Activity Time Allocation
On-campus Teaching 2 days per week
Hospital Placement 2 days per week
GP Placements As scheduled
Community Clinical Teaching Sessions As scheduled
Community-Related Assessments As scheduled

Medicine Year 3

Rotation Description
Women and Sexual Health Focuses on the comprehensive care of women’s health and sexual health.
Care of the Elderly Emphasizes the specialized care and management of elderly patients.
Managing Long-Term Conditions Involves a GP placement and focuses on the management of long-term medical conditions.
Paediatrics and Therapeutics Focuses on the medical care of children and the principles of therapeutics.
Community Mental Health Explores mental health care in community settings.

Medicine Year 4

Block Description Clinical Placements
Block 1: Acute Adult Care Focuses on the management of acute medical conditions in adult patients.
  • Acute medicine
  • Medical specialties
  • General surgery
  • Surgical specialties
Block 2: The Specialties Explores various medical specialties.
  • Obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Psychiatry
  • Paediatrics
  • Palliative care

Medicine Year 5

Attachment Description
Emergency Medicine (ACUTE) Focuses on the management of acute medical emergencies in the emergency department.
Primary Care (COMP) Provides experience in primary care settings, focusing on community-based healthcare.
SAMP 1 (Selective in Advanced Medical Practice) Allows students to explore a specific area of advanced medical practice.
SAMP 2 (Selective in Advanced Medical Practice) Offers further exploration of a different area of advanced medical practice.
WARD Placement (shadowing FY1 Doctor) Provides an opportunity to observe and learn from a Foundation Year 1 Doctor in a clinical setting.

Tuition fees for Home and International students

Details of our scholarships and bursaries for 2024-entry study are not yet available, but you can use our opportunities for 2023-entry applicants as guidance. Check our current list of scholarships and bursaries.

At Lancaster University, we strive to provide an inclusive and diverse learning environment for both Home and International students pursuing our Medicine course. We understand that the cost of education is an important consideration, and we aim to offer transparency regarding tuition fees.

Home Students

For Home students, the tuition fee for the Medicine course is £9,250 per year. This fee is subject to annual review, and any changes will be communicated in advance. Home students are eligible for various funding options and financial support, including government loans and grants.

Government Loans and Grants

The UK government provides tuition fee loans to eligible Home students, which are paid directly to the university and are repaid after graduation based on income thresholds. This support ensures that Home students can pursue their medical education without upfront financial burdens.

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Grants

In addition to government funding, there are various scholarships, bursaries, and grants available for Home students to explore. These financial support options can help alleviate the cost of tuition fees and provide additional assistance throughout their academic journey.

International Students

For International students, the tuition fee for the Medicine course is £41,195 per year. This fee reflects the additional support and resources provided to international students, ensuring a high-quality educational experience.

Funding Options for International Students

We understand that financing an international education can be a significant investment, and we encourage International students to explore different funding options available to them. It is advisable to research and apply for scholarships, grants, and financial aid opportunities specific to their home country or through international organizations.

External Funding and Sponsorships

In some cases, International students may seek external funding or sponsorships from their government, educational institutions, or other funding bodies. Exploring these opportunities can help offset the cost of tuition fees and provide financial support during their studies at Lancaster University.

Financial Support and Guidance

We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in our student community, and we strive to ensure that financial considerations do not hinder students’ access to quality education. Our dedicated financial support team is available to provide guidance and assistance to both Home and International students.

They can help students navigate the various funding options available, provide advice on scholarships and grants, and assist in financial planning. We encourage students to reach out to our financial support team, who are experienced in supporting students throughout their academic journey.

Please note that the tuition fees mentioned above are for the academic year stated and are subject to change. It is important for students to refer to the most up-to-date information on our official website or consult with the university’s admissions or finance departments for the most accurate and current tuition fee details and funding options. We strive to provide transparent and updated information to ensure students have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of their education at Lancaster University.

Location and Campus

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Lancaster, our university campus provides an ideal setting for your medical education. Prepare to be captivated by the charm and vibrancy of the location, as you embark on a journey of academic growth and personal development.

A Historic City Steeped in Culture

Lancaster, a historic city in North West England, offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern amenities. As you walk through the city’s cobbled streets, you’ll be greeted by stunning architecture, including the iconic Lancaster Castle and the stunning Ashton Memorial, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Immerse yourself in the rich history and heritage of the city, and discover the stories that have shaped its identity.

Campus: Where Learning Comes Alive

Our campus serves as the beating heart of academic life, where learning comes alive amidst a vibrant and inclusive community. Spread across a sprawling area, the campus seamlessly blends state-of-the-art facilities with natural beauty. From tranquil gardens and serene lakes to modern lecture halls and cutting-edge laboratories, every corner of our campus has been thoughtfully designed to inspire and facilitate your educational journey.

World-Class Facilities

Prepare to be impressed by our world-class facilities that cater to the diverse needs of our medical students. Our modern anatomy laboratories offer a hands-on learning experience, allowing you to develop a deep understanding of human anatomy through practical dissections and interactive sessions. Equipped with the latest technology, our laboratories provide access to advanced equipment and simulation tools, enabling you to hone your clinical skills and gain valuable experience in a controlled environment.

Learning Spaces Designed for Collaboration

Collaboration is at the core of our educational philosophy, and our campus reflects this ethos with a plethora of dedicated learning spaces. Engage in vibrant discussions and collaborative problem-solving in our well-equipped seminar rooms. Work alongside fellow students in our spacious study areas, where knowledge flows freely and ideas are nurtured. These communal spaces foster a sense of camaraderie and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, preparing you for the collaborative nature of modern healthcare practice.

Libraries: A Treasure Trove of Knowledge

Immerse yourself in a world of knowledge at our extensive libraries. Housing an extensive collection of medical literature, research journals, and digital resources, our libraries provide an invaluable resource for your academic pursuits. Whether you prefer the serenity of silent study areas or the interactive atmosphere of group study rooms, our libraries offer a welcoming environment for independent research, study groups, and accessing the latest medical publications.

Campus Amenities: Enhancing the Student Experience

Beyond academia, our campus offers a range of amenities designed to enhance your student experience. Stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle in our well-equipped sports facilities, including gyms, sports fields, and indoor courts. Unwind and socialize in our vibrant student union, where you can join clubs and societies, participate in extracurricular activities, and forge lifelong friendships. Savor a diverse range of culinary delights at our campus cafés and restaurants, catering to a variety of tastes and dietary preferences.

Embracing Nature: The Beauty of the Surroundings

Lancaster University is not only renowned for its academic excellence but also for its stunning natural surroundings. The campus is nestled amidst lush greenery, offering breathtaking views of the countryside and the nearby Forest of Bowland, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Take a leisurely stroll through our nature trails, enjoy a picnic by the lake, or simply find solace in the tranquility of our gardens. The natural beauty that surrounds our campus serves as a constant reminder of the importance of wellness, balance, and finding inspiration in the world around us.

Engaging with the Local Community

Beyond the boundaries of our campus, Lancaster University maintains strong ties with the local community. As a medical student, you will have opportunities to engage in community outreach programs, providing healthcare services to underserved populations and addressing health disparities. These experiences not only deepen your understanding of community health needs but also foster a sense of social responsibility, empathy, and cultural awareness.

A Thriving City with Countless Opportunities

While our campus offers a world of opportunities, Lancaster itself is a city filled with countless possibilities. With a thriving arts scene, vibrant music festivals, and a wide array of cafes, restaurants, and shops, there is never a dull moment. Explore the bustling street markets, delve into the city’s rich arts and music scene, or simply unwind in one of the many parks and green spaces that dot the city landscape. Lancaster provides a supportive and vibrant backdrop for your medical journey, ensuring a well-rounded and enriching student experience.


Lancaster’s climate offers a delightful blend of distinct seasons, each with its own unique charm and opportunities for exploration. From warm summers to crisp autumns, and from vibrant springs to cozy winters, Lancaster’s weather creates a dynamic backdrop for your time as a student. Get ready to experience a variety of activities suitable for every season, ensuring that there is never a dull moment throughout the year.

Spring (March – May):

As winter fades away, Lancaster springs to life with the arrival of mild and pleasant temperatures. Embrace the blooming flora and enjoy average temperatures ranging from 45°F (7°C) to 59°F (15°C). Take advantage of this refreshing weather by exploring the vibrant parks and gardens scattered throughout the city. Stroll through Williamson Park, renowned for its stunning butterfly house and captivating views. Engage in outdoor sports or enjoy a picnic with friends along the picturesque Lancaster Canal. Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your spirit and indulge in outdoor activities that embrace the awakening of nature.

Summer (June – August):

Lancaster’s summers are characterized by warm and sunny days, with average temperatures ranging from 57°F (14°C) to 68°F (20°C). Bask in the sunlight and make the most of this season by exploring the diverse range of outdoor activities available. Head to the coast and visit Morecambe Bay, where you can enjoy long walks on the sandy beach, take part in water sports, or simply soak up the sun. Embark on a scenic hike in the nearby Lake District National Park, immersing yourself in the breath-taking landscapes of rolling hills and serene lakes. Explore the bustling city centre, where vibrant street markets, cultural festivals, and outdoor concerts create a lively atmosphere. Summer in Lancaster is a time for embracing the outdoors and immersing yourself in the spirit of adventure.

Autumn (September – November):

As the leaves change colour and a crispness fills the air, autumn paints Lancaster in a tapestry of warm hues. Average temperatures range from 45°F (7°C) to 59°F (15°C), offering the perfect climate for exploring the natural beauty that surrounds the city. Take a leisurely walk through the enchanting woodlands of the Forest of Bowland, capturing the essence of the season. Immerse yourself in the local harvest festivals, where you can sample delicious seasonal produce and partake in traditional celebrations. Don’t forget to visit Lancaster Castle, which takes on an even more captivating allure amidst the autumn backdrop. Autumn in Lancaster is a time for cozy sweaters, scenic walks, and embracing the beauty of nature’s transformation.

Winter (December – February):

As winter unfolds, Lancaster transforms into a winter wonderland with average temperatures ranging from 39°F (4°C) to 46°F (8°C). Embrace the cozy ambiance and partake in a variety of winter activities. Lace up your skates and glide across the ice at the local ice rink, experiencing the joy of winter sports. Immerse yourself in the festivities at the Lancaster Christmas Market, where you can browse unique stalls, sip on warm beverages, and soak up the enchanting atmosphere. Visit the captivating Lancaster Priory, where choral concerts and candlelit services evoke a sense of serenity. Explore the nearby hills and indulge in winter hikes, capturing the breathtaking views of the frost-covered landscapes. Winter in Lancaster is a time for embracing the magic of the season and discovering the beauty that lies within the colder months.

No matter the season, Lancaster’s weather offers a diverse range of activities to suit every taste and preference. From outdoor adventures and cultural celebrations to serene walks and festive gatherings, you’ll find endless possibilities to enjoy throughout the year. Embrace the ever-changing climate and let Lancaster’s weather inspire you to create memorable experiences, fostering a deep connection with both the city and your academic journey.

Please note that temperatures provided are averages and can vary throughout each season. It is advisable to check the local weather forecast and plan accordingly to make the most of the available activities during your stay in Lancaster.

Student Accommodation

Lancaster University takes great pride in providing exceptional accommodation options that cater to the diverse needs of our students. Whether you choose to live on campus or opt for off-campus housing, you can rest assured that Lancaster offers some of the best accommodations for students. Let’s delve into the reasons why our accommodations are highly regarded and explore the pros and cons of living on campus versus off campus, along with some helpful advice to assist you in making an informed decision.

On-Campus Accommodation: A Thriving Community

Living on campus offers numerous advantages, creating a vibrant community and fostering a sense of belonging among students. Here are some key benefits:

Proximity and Convenience

One of the major perks of on-campus accommodation is its close proximity to academic buildings, libraries, and other university facilities. You can roll out of bed and be in class within minutes, eliminating the need for lengthy commutes. Additionally, living on campus provides easy access to extracurricular activities, sports facilities, and social events, enhancing your overall university experience.

Supportive Environment

On-campus accommodation offers a supportive network of staff and residential advisors who are readily available to address any concerns or queries you may have. This built-in support system ensures that you have access to assistance and guidance whenever you need it, helping you navigate university life more smoothly.

Engaging Community

Living on campus allows you to immerse yourself in a diverse and engaging community of fellow students. You’ll have countless opportunities to make friends, participate in social activities, and build lifelong connections. The sense of camaraderie and shared experiences within the on-campus community can significantly enrich your university journey.

Inclusive Facilities

On-campus accommodations are designed with student comfort in mind, offering a range of inclusive facilities such as common rooms, study areas, and communal kitchens. These amenities provide spaces for relaxation, study groups, and socializing, ensuring a well-rounded student experience.

However, it is important to consider some potential challenges when living on campus:

Limited Privacy

Living in a shared accommodation setting means that you may have less privacy compared to living off campus. It is essential to be respectful of your roommates’ space and establish clear communication and boundaries to maintain a harmonious living environment.

Availability and Demand

The availability of on-campus accommodation may vary, and there is often high demand. It is advisable to apply for accommodation as early as possible to secure your preferred choice. Keep in mind that specific room types and locations may have limited availability, so it is important to plan ahead and explore various options.

Off-Campus Accommodation: Independence and Flexibility

Choosing to live off campus provides a different set of advantages and considerations. Here are some key factors to consider:

Independence and Flexibility

Living off campus offers a greater degree of independence and autonomy. You have the freedom to select your own accommodation, whether it’s a shared house, apartment, or private rental, allowing you to create a living space that suits your personal preferences and lifestyle.

Broader Range of Options

Off-campus housing opens up a broader range of options in terms of location, amenities, and price ranges. You can explore different neighborhoods, selecting a setting that aligns with your preferences, such as a bustling city center or a quieter suburban area.

Potential Cost Savings

In some cases, off-campus housing may offer cost savings compared to on-campus accommodation. Renting a shared house or apartment with other students can often be more cost-effective, especially when factoring in shared utilities and household expenses.

Enhanced Responsibility

Living off campus comes with increased responsibilities, such as managing rent, utilities, and household chores. This can provide valuable life skills and help foster a sense of independence and maturity.

However, it is important to consider potential challenges when living off campus:

Commute and Travel Time

Depending on the location of your off-campus accommodation, you may need to commute to reach the university campus. It is important to consider the time and cost implications of commuting, as well as the availability of public transportation options.

Potential Isolation

Living off campus may present challenges in terms of building social connections, especially if you choose a location that is further away from the university. It is important to make an effort to engage in university activities, join clubs and societies, and actively seek opportunities to connect with fellow students.

Choosing the Right Accommodation: Advice for Students

When deciding between on-campus and off-campus accommodation, consider the following advice:

Plan and Research Early

Start your accommodation search early to ensure you have ample time to explore various options and secure your preferred choice. Both on-campus and off-campus accommodations tend to fill up quickly, so proactive planning is essential.

Consider Your Lifestyle and Preferences

Reflect on your lifestyle, study habits, and personal preferences. Consider factors such as proximity to campus, social atmosphere, and privacy requirements. Determine what living arrangement aligns best with your needs and supports your overall well-being.

Budget and Financial Considerations

Carefully consider your budget and financial resources. Evaluate the costs associated with on-campus and off-campus accommodations, including rent, utilities, transportation


Lancaster University offers a comprehensive and enriching educational experience for students pursuing medicine. The university’s curriculum spans multiple years, providing a thorough grounding in biomedical and social sciences, clinical skills, and communication training. The course is structured around problem-based learning modules, real clinical cases, and patient contact experiences.

In addition to its rigorous academic program, Lancaster University boasts exceptional medical facilities and teaching hospitals that provide hands-on training and exposure to various medical specialties. The university’s commitment to practical learning ensures that students gain the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their medical careers.

Tuition fees for both Home and International students are transparently communicated, with funding options and financial support available to help alleviate the cost of education. The university encourages students to explore scholarships, grants, and external funding sources specific to their circumstances.

The location and campus of Lancaster University provide an idyllic setting for students. The historic city of Lancaster offers a rich cultural heritage, while the university campus blends modern facilities with natural beauty. Students have access to world-class libraries, collaborative learning spaces, and recreational amenities that enhance their academic and social experience.

Lancaster’s weather showcases distinct seasons, each with its own activities and charm. From enjoying the outdoors in spring and summer to embracing cultural festivals in autumn and engaging in winter sports and festivities, students can fully immerse themselves in the local surroundings and make the most of the region’s natural beauty.

Accommodation options at Lancaster University cater to diverse needs, with both on-campus and off-campus choices. On-campus accommodation fosters a supportive community, convenience, and inclusive facilities, while off-campus housing offers independence and flexibility. Students are advised to plan early, consider their lifestyle preferences and budget, and make an informed decision regarding their accommodation choice.

In summary, Lancaster University’s Medicine course provides a comprehensive education, supported by excellent facilities, financial assistance options, an inspiring location, and a range of accommodation choices. Students are empowered to thrive academically, engage with the local community, and build lasting connections as they embark on their journey towards becoming medical professionals.