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🩺Qualification MBCHB
⌛ Duration 5 Years
📬 UCAS Course Code A100


Keele University’s medicine and surgery course provides students with a transformative educational experience, blending the art and science of medicine. Through a carefully designed curriculum, students acquire a solid grounding in the fundamental sciences, clinical skills, and professional development. The program’s emphasis on early patient contact and clinical exposure nurtures a deep understanding of patient care, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Furthermore, the university’s strong partnerships with the National Health Service (NHS) and renowned clinical placement sites offer invaluable opportunities for students to gain real-world clinical experiences in diverse healthcare settings.

Beyond academic excellence, Keele University’s medicine and surgery course fosters personal and professional growth. Students benefit from state-of-the-art facilities and research opportunities, empowering them to contribute to medical advancements and expand the boundaries of healthcare knowledge. The institution’s commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, a supportive community, and student well-being creates an environment where aspiring doctors and surgeons can thrive. Keele University’s medicine and surgery course stands as a testament to its dedication to producing compassionate, skilled, and adaptable healthcare professionals equipped to tackle the challenges of a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

Entry Requirements

Keele University Medicine Entry Requirements
A-levels A*AA in Biology and Chemistry plus a third science subject.
International Baccalaureate Achieve IB Diploma with a score of at least 37 points (including ToK/EE) including 7 or 6 in Higher Level Biology or Chemistry and 7 or 6 at Higher Level in one of Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths (any), Physics or Psychology.
GCSE Five GCSEs at grade 7/A including a minimum of grade 6/B in
International Qualifications Keele University accepts a wide range of international and UK qualifications. However, they should be equivalent in level and content to the A-level and IB requirements. To find out your countries entry requirements please visit this page.
Admissions Test All applicants are required to take the UCAT, a standardised test that assesses cognitive abilities, attitudes, and behaviours that are important for healthcare professionals.
Work Experience Applicants are encouraged to have relevant work experience, which could include volunteering, shadowing doctors or healthcare professionals, or other relevant work experience. This will make them stand out on their application which is crucial when competing in one of the top Universities in the World.
Personal Statement Applicants are required to submit a personal statement that showcases their motivation for studying medicine and highlights any relevant work experience or extracurricular activities.
Interview Shortlisted applicants are invited to attend an interview, which is designed to assess their suitability for the program. The interview usually involves a series of multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) that assess a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, and ethical reasoning.
References Applicants must provide two references, one from a teacher or tutor who has taught them in the last two years and one from someone who can comment on their suitability for studying medicine.

Facilities and Hospital affiliation at Keele University

Keele University takes great pride in its collaboration with a network of renowned teaching hospitals and cutting-edge medical facilities, offering students unparalleled opportunities for clinical training and experiential learning. These esteemed institutions serve as an integral part of the medicine and surgery course, providing a rich and diverse environment for students to hone their skills and gain firsthand experience in patient care.

One of the prominent partners of Keele University is the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM), comprising the following teaching hospitals:

  1. Royal Stoke University Hospital: As a major referral center, the Royal Stoke University Hospital offers a comprehensive range of specialist services. It serves as a hub for students, allowing them to observe and engage in various clinical scenarios across different specialties, including surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and more.
  2. County Hospital (Stafford): Located in Stafford, the County Hospital is another teaching hospital affiliated with UHNM. It provides students with additional opportunities for clinical rotations and exposure to different medical specialties, complementing their learning experience.

In addition to UHNM, Keele University collaborates with several other renowned healthcare institutions, including:

  1. North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust: This trust specializes in mental health and integrated healthcare services. Students have the chance to observe and participate in psychiatric care, gaining insights into the unique challenges and approaches in this field.
  2. Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust: With a focus on community healthcare, this trust allows students to experience primary care settings, community clinics, and specialized services outside of the hospital environment. It offers valuable exposure to a broader range of patient populations and healthcare delivery models.
  3. Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust: Located in the neighboring county of Shropshire, this trust offers additional opportunities for students to engage in community healthcare settings. It provides insights into the delivery of healthcare services in rural and semi-rural areas, broadening students’ understanding of healthcare provision beyond urban settings.

Furthermore, Keele University boasts state-of-the-art simulation centers that offer realistic training environments, allowing students to practice and refine their clinical skills. These centers utilize high-fidelity mannequins, virtual reality technology, and simulated patient scenarios to replicate real-life medical situations. Students can engage in hands-on simulations of surgical procedures, emergency situations, and complex clinical scenarios, fostering critical thinking, decision-making, and teamwork skills in a safe and controlled setting. This immersive learning experience bridges the gap between theory and practice, preparing students for the challenges they will encounter in their future medical careers.


Year One Curriculum
Course Component Description
Biomedical Sciences Learn the fundamental principles of biomedical sciences, including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and pathology, laying the foundation for a strong understanding of the human body and its functions.
Behavioral and Social Sciences Explore the impact of behavioral and social factors on health and healthcare delivery. Develop an understanding of psychology, sociology, and medical ethics to gain insights into patient behavior, societal influences, and ethical considerations in medical practice.
Basic Clinical Skills Acquire essential clinical skills, such as history taking, physical examination, and basic procedural skills, through a combination of theoretical instruction, hands-on workshops, and supervised practice sessions.
Programme of Activities Engage in a structured programme of activities that integrates theoretical learning with practical application. Participate in interactive lectures, small group discussions, case-based learning, and problem-solving sessions to enhance your understanding of medical concepts.
Placements Undertake half-day placements across primary care, secondary care, and third sector providers. Gain exposure to various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and community organizations, to observe and learn about different aspects of patient care.
Longitudinal GP Placement Experience a longitudinal placement with a dedicated GP tutor. Develop your consultation skills by regularly interacting with patients under the guidance and support of an experienced general practitioner. This placement allows for continuity of care and the opportunity to build relationships with patients over time.
Year Two Curriculum
Course Component Description
Biomedical Sciences Build upon the knowledge gained in year one, deepening your understanding of complex biomedical sciences, including pharmacology, microbiology, genetics, and immunology. Explore the interplay between these disciplines in the context of human health and disease.
Behavioral and Social Sciences Expand your knowledge of behavioral and social sciences, delving into topics such as health psychology, medical sociology, and cultural competence. Understand the social determinants of health and develop communication skills necessary for effective patient care.
Advanced Clinical Skills Enhance your clinical skills through advanced training and practical experience. Gain proficiency in advanced physical examination techniques, clinical reasoning, and communication skills, preparing you for more complex patient encounters.
Programme of Activities Engage in a structured programme of activities that further integrate theoretical learning with practical application. Participate in problem-based learning sessions, simulated patient encounters, and clinical case discussions to enhance your clinical decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
Placements Continue with half-day placements across primary care, secondary care, and third sector providers. Apply your growing clinical knowledge and skills in diverse healthcare settings, further developing your understanding of different patient populations and healthcare systems.
Longitudinal GP Placement Maintain the longitudinal GP placement, building upon the skills and experiences gained in year one. Receive personalized support from your GP tutor as you refine your consultation skills, deepen your understanding of primary care, and develop continuity of care with patients over an extended period.
Year Three Curriculum
Module Aim Provide the foundation for students to achieve the GMC Outcomes for Graduates 2018. Emphasize the importance of patient care, competence, ethics, professionalism, and responsibility in complex and uncertain situations.
Learning Objectives
  • Develop the ability to extract relevant clinical data from a given situation, including symptoms, signs, investigations, treatment, and ongoing plan.
  • Analyze the pathophysiology of patients’ symptoms, understanding the underlying mechanisms of diseases.
  • Formulate hypotheses regarding the etiology and maintenance of diseases, applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Course Components
  • Advanced Clinical Assessment
  • Pathophysiology in Clinical Practice
  • Disease Mechanisms
  • Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Methods
Independent Clinical Learning Foster independent learning skills in a clinical setting, allowing students to:
  • Extract relevant clinical data from a given situation, including patient history, physical examination findings, and laboratory results.
  • Interpret and analyze the pathophysiology underlying patients’ symptoms, linking the presenting complaints to underlying physiological processes.
  • Develop hypotheses regarding the etiology and maintenance of diseases, considering multiple factors such as genetic, environmental, and lifestyle influences.
  • Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to develop appropriate investigations, treatment plans, and ongoing management strategies.
Integration of Knowledge and Skills Integrate theoretical knowledge gained in previous years with clinical skills and practical application. Apply knowledge of pathophysiology, disease mechanisms, and evidence-based medicine to analyze complex clinical cases and make informed decisions regarding patient care.
Assessment Assess students’ ability to extract relevant clinical data, analyze pathophysiology, and formulate hypotheses through a combination of written examinations, practical assessments, case presentations, and research projects.
Year Four Curriculum
Module Aim Prepare students for the clinical assistantships in year five, ensuring the acquisition of key knowledge and core clinical competencies. Emphasize the application of core knowledge, both clinical and non-clinical, in clinically relevant contexts.
Learning Objectives
  • Consolidate and expand key knowledge from the three curriculum themes.
  • Demonstrate achievement of core clinical competencies.
  • Apply clinical and non-clinical knowledge in relevant clinical contexts.
Course Components
  • Clinical Assistantships
  • Specialty Clinical Attachments
  • Professionalism and Medical Ethics
  • Research and Evidence-Based Medicine
Core Knowledge Acquisition Consolidate and expand knowledge from the three curriculum themes (biomedical sciences, behavioral and social sciences, and clinical skills). Deepen understanding of relevant medical concepts, diagnostic approaches, treatment strategies, and patient management principles.
Core Clinical Competencies Demonstrate achievement of core clinical competencies through supervised clinical assistantships. Apply clinical knowledge and skills in real-world patient care settings, under the guidance of experienced healthcare professionals. Develop proficiency in history taking, physical examination, clinical decision-making, and treatment planning.
Application of Knowledge in Clinical Contexts Emphasize the application of both clinical and non-clinical knowledge in clinically relevant contexts. Integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills to solve clinical problems, make evidence-based decisions, and provide optimal patient care. Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills essential for effective clinical practice.
Assessment Assess students’ acquisition of knowledge, clinical competencies, and their ability to apply knowledge in clinical contexts through a variety of assessments, including clinical examinations, case presentations, research projects, and reflective portfolios.
Fifth-Year Curriculum
Module Aim Provide the foundation for students to become doctors as scholars, scientists, practitioners, and professionals. Emphasize the application of biomedical, psychological, social science principles, population health knowledge, and research methods to medical practice.
Doctor as a Scholar and Scientist The graduate will be able to:
  • Apply biomedical scientific principles, methods, and knowledge to medical practice in areas such as anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, pharmacology, and physiology.
  • Apply psychological principles, methods, and knowledge to medical practice.
  • Apply social science principles, methods, and knowledge to medical practice.
  • Apply population health principles, methods, and knowledge to medical practice.
  • Apply scientific methods and approaches to medical research.
Doctor as a Practitioner The graduate will be able to:
  • Carry out consultations with patients, demonstrating effective communication skills.
  • Diagnose and manage clinical presentations.
  • Communicate effectively with patients and colleagues in a medical context.
  • Provide immediate care in medical emergencies.
  • Prescribe drugs safely, effectively, and economically.
  • Carry out practical procedures safely and effectively.
  • Use information effectively in a medical context.
Acquisition of Essential Clinical Skills The curriculum includes the acquisition and proficiency in essential clinical skills, such as:
  • Measuring body temperature
  • Measuring pulse rate
  • Transcutaneous monitoring of oxygen saturation
  • Venepuncture
  • Managing blood samples correctly
Doctor as a Professional The graduate will be able to:
  • Behave according to ethical and legal principles.
  • Reflect, learn, and teach others.
  • Work effectively within a multi-professional team.
  • Protect patients and improve care.

Tuition fees for Home and International students

  • Home Students: The tuition fees for Home students pursuing the medicine and surgery course at Keele University are set at £9,250 per year. Home students are those who are classified as UK residents or have settled status in the UK.
  • International Students: International students who wish to study medicine and surgery at Keele University are required to pay a tuition fee of £41,000 per year. The higher tuition fee for international students reflects the additional costs associated with providing education to students from outside the UK.

It is important to note that tuition fees are subject to change, and it is recommended to check with the university or relevant sources for the most up-to-date information regarding fees.

Funding Options for International Students:

Keele University understands that financing higher education can be a concern for international students. To support international students in managing their tuition fees, the university provides various funding options. Here are some potential funding options that international students can explore:

  1. Scholarships and Bursaries: Keele University offers scholarships and bursaries specifically designed for international students. These financial awards can help offset the cost of tuition fees and living expenses. International students are encouraged to explore the university’s scholarship opportunities and eligibility criteria.
  2. External Scholarships: International students may also be eligible for external scholarships provided by organizations, foundations, or governments in their home countries. These scholarships are often merit-based or awarded based on specific criteria. Prospective students should research available scholarship programs and apply accordingly.
  3. Student Loans: International students may consider exploring student loan options available in their home countries. Some countries offer student loan programs that can provide financial assistance for studying abroad. Students should investigate the terms, conditions, and repayment requirements of such loans.
  4. Part-Time Employment: International students on a valid student visa may be permitted to work part-time during their studies. Part-time employment can provide additional income to help cover living expenses and contribute towards tuition fees. However, it is essential to ensure that work commitments do not adversely affect academic progress.

It is crucial for international students to plan their finances in advance and explore various funding options to make informed decisions. Keele University’s international student support services can provide guidance and advice regarding financial matters.

Please note that the availability and eligibility criteria of funding options may vary. It is recommended for international students to contact Keele University’s admissions or international office for detailed information on funding opportunities specific to their circumstances.

Remember to regularly check the university’s official website or relevant sources for the most accurate and updated information on tuition fees and funding options.


Here is a list of scholarships available for international students to study medicine at Keele University:

  1. Undergraduate Global Scholarship
    • Scholarship Amount: £5,000
    • Eligibility Criteria: Academic Achievement
  2. Advanced Entry Scholarship (UG)
    • Scholarship Amount: £3,000
    • Eligibility Criteria: Academic Achievement
  3. Article 26 Sanctuary Scholarship
    • Scholarship Amount: Full fee and monthly stipend
    • Eligibility Criteria: Refugee status
  4. US Federal Student Loans
    • Scholarship Amount: Varied
    • Eligibility Criteria: US National
  5. The Neil and Gina Smith Student of the Year Award
    • Scholarship Amount: £5,000
    • Eligibility Criteria: Engagement and Contribution
  6. The Hardship Fund
    • Scholarship Amount: Varied
    • Eligibility Criteria: Personal Circumstances

These scholarships aim to support international students pursuing a medicine degree at Keele University. The Undergraduate Global Scholarship and Advanced Entry Scholarship are awarded based on academic achievement, recognizing students with excellent academic records. The Article 26 Sanctuary Scholarship is specifically designed for students with refugee status, covering the full tuition fee and providing a monthly stipend. US Federal Student Loans are available for US nationals studying at Keele University.

The Neil and Gina Smith Student of the Year Award recognizes students who have demonstrated outstanding engagement and contribution during their studies. The Hardship Fund offers financial assistance to students facing challenging personal circumstances.

International students considering studying medicine at Keele University are encouraged to explore these scholarship opportunities. It is important to review the specific eligibility criteria, application process, and deadlines for each scholarship. For more detailed information and updates on available scholarships, prospective students should refer to the official Keele University website or contact the university’s admissions or international office.

Location and Campus

Nestled in the heart of Staffordshire, Keele University offers a picturesque and vibrant campus setting that serves as an ideal environment for studying medicine. The university’s location combines the tranquility of a rural setting with convenient access to nearby cities, providing students with the best of both worlds.

1. Beautiful Rural Setting:

Keele University is situated on a sprawling 600-acre estate, encompassing lush green spaces, woodlands, and lakes. The campus boasts stunning natural beauty, providing a serene and peaceful atmosphere that is conducive to learning and personal growth. Students can enjoy scenic walks, outdoor activities, and peaceful study spots, creating a harmonious blend of academics and nature.

2. Modern Facilities:

The university’s commitment to providing exceptional learning resources is reflected in its state-of-the-art facilities. The David Weatherall Building, home to the School of Medicine, offers cutting-edge lecture theatres, research labs, clinical skills suites, and simulation centers. These facilities provide students with hands-on learning experiences, allowing them to develop practical skills in a safe and controlled environment. The campus also features well-equipped libraries, modern study spaces, and computer labs, ensuring that students have access to the latest technology and resources to support their academic endeavors.

3. Collaborative Learning Spaces:

Keele University encourages collaboration and interdisciplinary learning through its innovative learning spaces. The Collaborative Learning Suite facilitates group work, discussions, and project collaborations, fostering a sense of community among students. Additionally, the Clinical Education Centre provides a simulated hospital environment where students can practice clinical skills, work in interprofessional teams, and engage in realistic patient scenarios. These spaces not only enhance the learning experience but also promote teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills that are essential for a successful career in medicine.

4. Campus Amenities and Student Life:

Keele University offers a wide range of amenities and services to enrich the student experience. The campus features a vibrant student union with numerous clubs, societies, and sports teams catering to various interests and passions. From music and drama to sports and volunteering, there are endless opportunities for students to get involved, make lifelong friendships, and pursue their extracurricular interests. The university also houses a diverse range of cafes, restaurants, and shops, providing convenient options for dining, socializing, and meeting with fellow students.

5. Convenient Location:

While Keele University’s campus provides a peaceful retreat, it is conveniently located within easy reach of major cities. The university is a short distance from Stoke-on-Trent, known as the “Potteries” due to its rich history of pottery production. The city offers cultural attractions, shopping centers, and entertainment venues. Additionally, Keele’s proximity to Manchester and Birmingham allows students to access vibrant urban environments, world-class museums, galleries, music events, and a host of recreational opportunities.

The location and campus of Keele University provide an ideal backdrop for students pursuing medicine. The combination of natural beauty, modern facilities, collaborative learning spaces, vibrant student life, and easy access to nearby cities creates a stimulating and enriching environment for academic and personal growth. Keele University’s commitment to providing an exceptional student experience is evident in every aspect of its location and campus, ensuring that students have all the resources they need to thrive in their medical education journey.


At Keele University, you’ll get to experience a diverse and captivating range of weather throughout the year, with each season bringing its own unique charm and opportunities for outdoor exploration. From warm summers to snowy winters, the changing weather at Keele University offers a delightful backdrop for various activities that cater to different interests and preferences.

1. Spring (March to May):

Spring at Keele University heralds the awakening of nature, with temperatures ranging from 41°F (5°C) to 59°F (15°C). As the days grow longer and the weather becomes milder, it’s the perfect time to venture outdoors and enjoy the blossoming beauty. Take a stroll through the campus gardens, adorned with vibrant flowers and blossoming trees. Engage in picnics or outdoor study sessions on the university lawns, soaking up the refreshing atmosphere and gentle sunshine. Spring is also an excellent time for hiking in the nearby countryside, exploring nature trails, and discovering picturesque landscapes.

2. Summer (June to August):

Summer in Keele University offers warm and pleasant temperatures, averaging between 59°F (15°C) to 77°F (25°C). Embrace the sunshine and make the most of the extended daylight hours by participating in various outdoor activities. Take advantage of the nearby lakes and indulge in water sports like kayaking, canoeing, or paddleboarding. Gather with friends for outdoor barbecues or enjoy a leisurely bike ride along the scenic routes surrounding the university. For nature enthusiasts, summer provides ample opportunities for bird-watching, wildlife spotting, and exploring the diverse ecosystems of the surrounding countryside.

3. Autumn (September to November):

Autumn at Keele University welcomes a colorful tapestry of foliage as the temperature gradually cools down, ranging from 50°F (10°C) to 68°F (20°C). Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the campus as the leaves transform into vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold. Take leisurely walks through the woodlands, capturing the picturesque scenes with your camera or simply enjoying the crisp, fresh air. Engage in autumn-themed activities such as apple picking, pumpkin carving, or visiting local farmers’ markets to savor seasonal produce. The mild temperatures provide an excellent opportunity for outdoor sports like football or frisbee with friends.

4. Winter (December to February):

Winter at Keele University brings a touch of magic as temperatures range from 32°F (0°C) to 46°F (8°C). Embrace the charm of a winter wonderland with occasional snowfall that transforms the campus into a picturesque scene. Enjoy building snowmen, engaging in snowball fights, or simply relishing the serene beauty of the snowy landscape. The surrounding countryside offers opportunities for winter hikes and invigorating walks, providing a refreshing break from indoor study sessions. Cozy up in one of the university’s cafes with a warm drink and engage in meaningful conversations with friends. Winter also offers the chance to experience traditional festive celebrations and attend seasonal events in nearby towns and cities.

No matter the season, Keele University provides a diverse range of outdoor activities that perfectly complement the weather. Whether it’s exploring nature, engaging in sports, or embracing the charm of each season, the changing weather at Keele University offers a captivating backdrop for a fulfilling and adventurous student life.

Student Accomodation

Keele University takes great pride in offering top-notch accommodation options that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of its students. With a reputation for providing comfortable and convenient living spaces, Keele stands out as a university that prioritizes the well-being and comfort of its student community. Whether you choose to live on campus or off campus, there are several advantages and considerations to keep in mind.

Living On Campus:


  1. Convenience and Proximity: One of the primary advantages of living on campus is the proximity to university facilities, such as lecture halls, libraries, and sports facilities. This makes it easy to attend classes, access resources, and participate in extracurricular activities without the hassle of long commutes.
  2. Community and Social Opportunities: Living on campus fosters a strong sense of community and provides ample opportunities to make lifelong friendships. The close proximity of fellow students encourages social interaction, collaboration on academic projects, and participation in student organizations and events.
  3. Support and Services: On-campus accommodation typically offers dedicated support services, including resident advisors, maintenance staff, and security personnel. These resources ensure a safe and well-maintained living environment, allowing students to focus on their studies and personal growth.
  4. Inclusive Experience: Living on campus allows students to fully immerse themselves in the university experience, participating in a wide range of campus activities, clubs, and societies. It offers a holistic student experience that extends beyond academics.


  1. Limited Privacy: Living in close proximity to other students may mean sacrificing some privacy. Shared facilities, such as kitchens and bathrooms, require a level of consideration and compromise.
  2. Availability and Demand: On-campus accommodation can be in high demand, and securing a spot may be competitive. It’s important to apply for accommodation early to increase the chances of securing your preferred choice.

Living Off Campus:


  1. Independence and Flexibility: Living off campus provides an opportunity for greater independence and flexibility in terms of choosing your accommodation, living with friends, and managing your own living space.
  2. Wider Range of Options: Off-campus accommodation offers a diverse range of choices, from shared houses and apartments to private rentals. This allows students to find housing that best suits their preferences, budget, and desired level of privacy.
  3. Integration with Local Community: Living off campus provides an opportunity to engage with the local community, explore the surrounding area, and experience a broader range of amenities and services outside the university.


  1. Transportation and Commuting: Depending on the location of your off-campus accommodation, commuting to campus may involve additional travel time and expenses. It’s important to consider transportation options and their impact on your daily schedule.
  2. Responsibilities and Costs: Living off campus requires taking on additional responsibilities, such as managing utility bills, grocery shopping, and maintaining the property. It’s essential to budget and plan accordingly to ensure a smooth living experience.


  1. Plan Ahead: Whether you choose on-campus or off-campus accommodation, start your search and application process early. This will give you more options and increase the likelihood of securing your preferred choice.
  2. Consider Budget and Lifestyle: Evaluate your budget, lifestyle preferences, and priorities when making a decision. Take into account factors such as costs, location, proximity to amenities, and your personal comfort.
  3. Visit Accommodation Options: If possible, visit accommodation options before making a decision. This will allow you to assess the facilities, meet potential flatmates, and get a sense of the atmosphere.
  4. Seek Advice and Support: Reach out to the university’s accommodation services or student support