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The announcement of the IMAT exam date 2024 came surprisingly late this year, especially compared to previous years. Typically, the syllabus and exam structure are shared well in advance, giving candidates ample time to prepare. However, this year, we only received this crucial information in August 2024, just a month before the exam. The IMAT 2024 is scheduled to take place on the 17th of September, with results expected to be released approximately four weeks later. The format remains consistent with previous years, following a similar pattern of rounds and seat allocations.

Despite the late announcement, the IMAT will still be conducted at numerous test centers worldwide, not just in Italy, maintaining its global accessibility. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of the exam date, what candidates can expect, critical registration timelines, and the essential documents you need to review and understand to ensure you are fully prepared for the IMAT 2024.

IMAT Exam Date 2024

As mentioned earlier, the IMAT exam 2024 is scheduled for the 17th of September, which caught many by surprise as last year’s exam was held in October. This shift back to September has raised some eyebrows, especially since many expected the October timeline to become the new norm. After discussing with various university administrators and my professors at the University of Pavia, it’s clear that there was significant discontent with last year’s later exam date. The October schedule had compressed the academic calendar, leaving students with little time to recharge between semesters. In response, the Ministry of Education was urged to move the exam back to September to ensure a more balanced academic year, providing students with the necessary downtime between semesters.

Given the feedback from academic circles and the adjustments made for this year, I expect that the IMAT will continue to be scheduled in September in the coming years.

So, who is writing the IMAT 2024?

Since 2023, Cambridge Assessment is no longer responsible for writing the IMAT. Instead, the Italian Ministry of Education has delegated the task to internal bodies such as CISIA. Despite the change in authorship, the exam has remained relatively consistent with previous iterations. The questions are slightly less tricky and more straightforward, which is a welcome change for many candidates. This adjustment should make the exam more approachable while maintaining its rigorous standard.

Why Was the Announcement So Late This Year?

The IMAT exam date 2024 announcement was unusually late, raising concerns and speculations among students and educators alike. According to what I’ve heard from several professors, there is an unofficial understanding that the Ministry of Education typically releases the syllabus at least 60 days before the exam. This year, however, that timeline was not met, leading to a rush in preparation for many candidates. While I can’t confirm the exact regulations, this delay has undoubtedly created some challenges.

One possible reason for the delay could be the transition away from Cambridge Assessment as the exam’s author. With the responsibility now shifted to internal bodies within the Italian Ministry of Education, like CISIA, organizing the exam, including coordinating with international test centers, may have become more complex. This transition likely contributed to the delay in finalizing and announcing the exam details, as the ministry worked to ensure that everything was properly aligned for a smooth administration of the IMAT across various locations.

IMAT 2024 Test Centers

For the IMAT 2024, the test centers are spread across a wide range of countries, ensuring that students from various parts of the world can participate without having to travel to Italy. As indicated in the PDF and the attached table, the IMAT will be administered in the following locations:

  • Albania
  • Azerbaijan
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China
  • Cyprus
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • India

In Italy, multiple universities across various cities will host the IMAT, including:

  • Bari – Università degli Studi di Bari
  • Milan – Università degli Studi di Milano and Università degli Studi Milano – Bicocca
  • Rome – Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” and Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
  • Naples – Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and Università di Napoli Federico II
  • Bologna – Università di Bologna
  • Turin – Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Pavia – Università degli Studi di Pavia
  • Parma – Università degli Studi di Parma
  • Siena – Università degli Studi di Siena
  • Messina – Università degli Studi di Messina
  • Padova – Università degli Studi di Padova
  • Ancona – Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • Cagliari – Università degli Studi di Cagliari (pending accreditation)
  • Catania – Università degli Studi di Catania

Additionally, there are test centers in:

  • Ireland
  • Pakistan
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • UAE (Dubai)
  • UK
  • USA

As you prepare for the IMAT 2024, keep these details in mind to ensure you’re fully informed and ready for the exam. With the exam date set and test centers established worldwide, your next steps should focus on thorough preparation and understanding the exam’s format and content. Best of luck!