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The IMAT exam is a highly competitive standardized test that aspiring medical students must take to gain admission into various Italian universities. The exam assesses applicants’ knowledge and skills in various subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, and math, to determine their suitability for pursuing a medical degree program taught in English. With the results of the 2022 IMAT exam now released, many applicants are eager to know how they fared and what scores and rankings are required to secure admission into their desired medical school.

IMAT 2023 Timelines
IMAT 2023 Timelines

Upon analyzing the results of the 2022 IMAT exam, we have observed a slight decrease in the minimum scores and rankings required to pass the exam compared to the previous year. This decrease, in our opinion, can be attributed to the increase in the amount of math and physics questions on the exam, which rose from 8 to 10 since IMAT 2022. Additionally, the overall increased difficulty of these subjects might have contributed to the slight decrease in minimum cutoff scores and rankings.

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Pass the IMAT and secure your spot in Italian medical schools with EnterMedSchool’s most comprehensive, cost-effective online course! – It has everything a future doctor needs from start, to finish. Upgraded version based on all questions of IMAT 2024!

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the 2022 IMAT exam, including the minimum cutoff scores and rankings required for admission into medical school. We will also examine the overall trend of the exam, comparing it to previous years and analyzing the changes that might have affected the exam’s difficulty level. Furthermore, we will share feedback from our students who recently took the exam, giving you valuable insights into what you can expect when you take the IMAT.

Whether you’re an aspiring medical student planning to take the IMAT exam in the future or just interested in learning more about this competitive exam, this article is a must-read. We’ll help you understand what the IMAT 2022 scores and rankings mean for your chances of getting into medical school and provide valuable tips and insights on how to succeed. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of IMAT 2022.

What is a good IMAT score?

IMATs Average Scores Distribution and What To Aim For
IMATs Average Scores Distribution and What To Aim For

A good IMAT score secures admission to your desired medical school. However, what constitutes a good score is subjective and depends on factors such as the competition level, the number of available seats, and whether you are an EU or non-EU candidate.

EU candidates usually require a lower IMAT score than non-EU candidates, as they enjoy the scrolling system. This system allows them to rank their preferred universities and secure admission to a backup university if they do not meet the cutoff score for their first-choice university.

It is essential to note that what might be considered a good score for one candidate might not be the same for another. However, as a general rule, non-EU candidates should aim to score at least 55 on the IMAT exam, while EU candidates should aim to score around 50. These scores give you a fair chance of getting admitted to a reputable medical school in Italy. However, it is essential to note that some medical schools may have a higher cutoff score, which varies yearly, depending on various factors.

What should you expect for IMAT 2023?

The trend for IMAT scores has been relatively consistent over the past few years, with slight fluctuations due to changes in the exam format and difficulty. With the addition of two math and physics questions and the increased difficulty level in the IMAT 2022 exam, we observed a slight decrease in minimum scores and rankings required to pass.

However, with the change in format and difficulty, students now have a better understanding of what to expect in the exam, and we expect the scores to rise for IMAT 2023. It is important to note that while the exam’s format and difficulty level have changed, the subject matter remains the same. Therefore, students who prepare thoroughly and understand the required topics and concepts will still have an advantage.

Additionally, it is essential to remember that the competition for admission into medical schools in Italy is high. Students must aim to achieve high scores to increase their chances of admission. As such, we recommend that students begin preparing well in advance, using high-quality study materials and practice exams to develop their knowledge and exam-taking skills.

So, while the addition of math and physics questions and the increase in difficulty level led to a slight decrease in minimum scores and rankings required to pass the IMAT 2022 exam, we expect scores to rise for IMAT 2023 as students become more familiar with the new format and difficulty level. It is crucial to prepare thoroughly and aim for high scores to increase your chances of admission into medical schools in Italy.

IMAT 2022 Minimum Scores

UniversityNon-EU SeatsScoreLast Year
La Sapienza1052.653.1
Milano Statale2551.851.5
Tor Vergata1044.647.7
Federico II2544.441.4
Luigi Vanvitelli4041.933.1
Marche (Ancona)2534.5N/A
Siena (DENTISTRY)1544.935.4
La Sapienza (DENTISTRY)646.3
2022 IMAT Non-EU IMAT Scores

2022 Non-EU IMAT Scores

2022 EU IMAT Scores

UniversityEU SeatsScoreLast Year
La Sapienza3848.247.6
Milano Statale455251.5
Tor Vergata254645.2
Federico II1548.150.5
Luigi Vanvitelli5043.243.8
Marche (Ancona)3543.7N/A
Siena (DENTISTRY)2843.235.4
2022 IMAT EU IMAT Scores

IMAT 2022 Results Analysis

Analyzing the IMAT scores and predicting future trends is always challenging, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has led to many changes in education, including the format and administration of exams. These changes can affect the number of candidates and their performance on the exam, making it hard to predict future scores.

The IMAT exam may only take place in Italy this year, which could significantly impact the number of candidates and their scores. Candidates from other countries may be unable to travel to Italy to take the exam, leading to fewer candidates. This, in turn, could increase the competition for admission, making it harder to secure a spot in medical school.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that the trend in IMAT scores is not always consistent. A year after a score drop, we may see a jump as candidates feel more secure registering for the exam, thinking the scores will keep decreasing. This increase in candidates can lead to a rise in scores. It is essential to remember this while analyzing the trends in IMAT scores.

In conclusion, predicting the future trends in IMAT scores is always challenging, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic which prevents us from knowing what the trend will be in the future. The administration of the exam may change, affecting the number of candidates and their performance on the exam. Additionally, the trend in IMAT scores is not always consistent, and it is essential to consider various factors that can influence the scores. Regardless of the trends, candidates must aim for high scores to increase their chances of admission into medical schools in Italy.