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The International Medical Admission Test (IMAT) is a critical milestone for aspiring medical students, as it assesses their aptitude and knowledge for admission into prestigious medical schools all across Italy. In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the 2013 IMAT past paper, providing insights and guidance for future candidates to better understand the exam structure, master the key concepts, and refine their preparation strategies. By dissecting this past paper, we will not only highlight the essential topics but also offer valuable tips to help candidates tackle the various sections confidently.

Our in-depth examination of the 2013 IMAT past paper will cover each section: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. By dissecting the paper section by section, we aim to equip future candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in this highly competitive exam. Get ready to embark on a journey that will not only enhance your understanding of the IMAT but also inspire you to push your limits and achieve your dreams of entering the medical field. So, buckle up, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of the 2013 IMAT past paper!

Section 1: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

The Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving section of the IMAT is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to analyze complex situations, identify patterns, and logically deduce solutions. In the 2013 paper, this section had a higher number of questions than what we’ve seen in recent years, making it even more crucial for candidates to be well-prepared and adept at tackling various question types.

IMAT Logic section breakdown from 2011 to 2022

Critical Thinking

In the 2013 Critical Thinking questions, the primary focus was on the following types:

Extracting a conclusion from a passage

Candidates were required to carefully read and comprehend the given passage, then derive the most logical and accurate conclusion from the information provided. This skill is essential in medical practice, as it involves critical reasoning and sound judgment.

Distinguishing argument flaws

These questions demanded candidates to identify potential weaknesses or fallacies in the argument presented in a passage. By pinpointing these flaws, future medical professionals can learn to avoid similar mistakes in their practice and decision-making.

Finding underlying assumptions

The ability to recognize hidden assumptions in a passage is crucial for candidates, as it helps them understand the basis of an argument and evaluate its validity. This skill is also valuable in a medical context, where recognizing assumptions can lead to better diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Weakening an argument

This question type required candidates to scrutinize a passage and select the best option that would weaken the argument presented. This exercise helps build critical thinking skills, which are necessary for medical professionals to challenge conventional wisdom and consider alternative viewpoints.


In the Problem-Solving section of the 2013 paper, there were two main types of puzzles that candidates had to tackle:

Numerical Puzzles

These puzzles required candidates to analyze and manipulate numbers, employing their mathematical skills to solve the problem at hand. Questions often involved calculations, data interpretation, and logical deductions based on the given numerical information. Medical professionals frequently encounter situations where they must analyze numerical data, such as lab results or patient statistics, making this skill set essential in their practice.

Spatial Puzzles

Spatial puzzles in the 2013 paper made up a smaller portion of the Problem-Solving section. These puzzles tested candidates’ abilities to visualize and manipulate objects in space, often requiring them to identify patterns, relationships, or arrangements among the given elements. Spatial reasoning is a valuable skill for medical professionals, as it aids in tasks such as interpreting medical imaging, understanding anatomical structures, and performing surgical procedures.

By thoroughly analyzing these question types, candidates can better prepare for the Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving section of the IMAT, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in this crucial part of the exam.

Older IMAT papers contain a lot more questions in the first section and less in the scientific sections!

General Knowledge

The General Knowledge section of the 2013 IMAT presented candidates with a slightly higher number of questions than in previous years. Despite the increased volume, the questions were relatively straightforward and covered a diverse range of topics. Candidates were tested on their understanding of the Inca civilization, the concept of a placebo, well-known historical figures, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the discoveries made by Galileo Galilei. These questions assessed candidates’ broad knowledge and awareness of various subjects related to history, science, and global organizations.

To effectively prepare for the General Knowledge section, candidates should stay informed about current events and delve into various subjects to broaden their understanding of history, science, and culture. Reading reputable news sources, engaging in educational podcasts, and exploring a wide range of books, documentaries, and online resources can help candidates gain a solid foundation in these areas. Additionally, connecting with study groups and participating in discussions about various topics can stimulate critical thinking and provide valuable insights into the diverse subjects covered in this section. By cultivating a well-rounded knowledge base and staying curious, candidates can better equip themselves to tackle the General Knowledge questions on the IMAT with confidence.

Section 2: Biology

In the 2013 IMAT, the Biology section featured fewer questions compared to more recent versions of the exam. Despite the reduced number of questions, the content covered remained comprehensive, spanning a variety of topics related to cellular and molecular biology, genetics, and physiology. It is important to understand the specific aspects of these topics in order to grasp the content and the level of difficulty presented in the 2013 exam.

IMAT Biology section breakdown from 2011 to 2022

The 2013 Biology section covered the following topics:

Cellular and Molecular Biology

Recombinant DNA technology, which involved the manipulation of genetic material to produce desired traits in organisms. Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, were tested in terms of their structure, properties, and roles in biological processes. Ribosomes, the cellular machinery responsible for protein synthesis, were also examined. Phospholipids, a key component of cell membranes, and their role in maintaining cell structure and function were discussed. DNA triplets, or codons, were explored in terms of their role in encoding amino acids during protein synthesis. The cells of the immune system and their functions in defending the body against pathogens were also covered, as were the processes of cellular respiration and energy production. DNA bases, the fundamental units of genetic information storage, were another focal point, as was the process of mitosis, which is crucial for cell division and growth.

IMAT 2013 Example


The pedigree of a genetic condition was assessed to test the candidates’ understanding of inheritance patterns and the principles of genetics. Evolution, the fundamental concept underlying the diversity of life, was examined, with a focus on the mechanisms that drive evolutionary change and the evidence supporting the theory.


The diaphragm anatomy was covered, highlighting the structure and function of this essential muscle in facilitating respiration and maintaining proper breathing mechanics.


The processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration were explored, with an emphasis on the roles they play in energy production and consumption within living organisms. The interconnectedness of these processes and their overall importance to the sustenance of life were also emphasized.

Topic Number of Questions
The chemistry of living things 3
The cell as a basis of life 3
Bioenergetics 2
Reproduction & Inheritance 3
Inheritance & Environment 1
Anatomy & Physiology 2

To effectively prepare for the Biology section of the IMAT, candidates should delve deeper into each of these topics, identifying the key concepts, terms, and processes involved. This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and enable candidates to tackle a wide range of questions on the exam. Creating flashcards, summarizing concepts in one’s own words, and working through practice questions can help reinforce understanding and retention of this material. Additionally, staying up-to-date with recent developments and research in the field of biology is crucial for broadening one’s knowledge and staying informed on current trends and breakthroughs in the subject.

Section 3: Chemistry

The 2013 IMAT Chemistry section consisted of only 8 questions, reflecting the trend in older versions of the exam to include fewer questions in this area. Despite the limited number of questions, the topics covered were diverse, ranging from basic principles of chemistry to more advanced concepts in organic chemistry and the periodic table. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of these subjects and better prepare for the Chemistry section of the IMAT, it is essential to delve into each topic and explore the key concepts and principles involved.

IMAT chemistry section breakdown from 2011 to 2022

The 2013 Chemistry section covered the following topics:

Basic Principles

Matter phase changes, which involved understanding the transitions between solid, liquid, and gas states and the conditions under which these changes occur.

Organic Chemistry

Organic compound synthesis, which required knowledge of various chemical reactions and techniques used to form organic compounds. Organic isomers, which dealt with the concept of molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements. Carbon bonds, which explored the various types of chemical bonds that carbon atoms can form, including single, double, and triple bonds, and their implications on the properties and reactivity of organic compounds.

Periodic Table

Group of elements on the periodic table, which required an understanding of the classification of elements based on their atomic structure and properties, as well as their position in the periodic table.

Inorganic Chemistry

Nitrogen compounds and oxidation numbers, which involved the study of various nitrogen-containing compounds, their properties, and their oxidation states. Equation balancing, which tested the candidates’ ability to balance chemical equations, ensuring that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction.

To effectively prepare for the Chemistry section of the IMAT, candidates should focus on understanding the fundamental concepts and principles associated with each topic, as well as mastering relevant problem-solving techniques. Practice is key, so working through a variety of chemistry problems and exercises will help reinforce the material and improve problem-solving skills. Additionally, engaging in group study sessions and discussing concepts with peers can provide valuable insights and different perspectives on the subject matter. Finally, keeping up with recent developments and research in the field of chemistry is essential for staying informed on current trends and breakthroughs, as well as fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.

Section 4: Physics and Mathematics

The Mathematics and Physics section of the 2013 IMAT was the final section of the exam, testing candidates on their understanding of fundamental concepts and problem-solving skills in these two areas. Despite having fewer questions in comparison to the other sections, the topics covered in this section were diverse and required a solid foundation in both mathematics and physics principles.


IMAT Physics section breakdown from 2011 to 2022

Simple Harmonic Motion

This topic required candidates to understand the principles of oscillatory motion, such as springs and pendulums, and how to apply equations that describe their motion, frequency, and energy.

Uniform Beam Dynamics

This subject focused on the analysis of mechanical systems, specifically beams, under uniform loading conditions. Candidates were expected to understand the principles of equilibrium, forces, moments, and stress distribution in beams.

Alternating Current Generator

Candidates were tested on their knowledge of electromagnetic induction and the functioning of an alternating current (AC) generator. This topic required a strong understanding of magnetic fields, Faraday’s law, and the principles of AC generation.

Topic Number of Questions
Measures 1
Kinematics 1
Dynamics 1
Fluid Mechanics 0
Thermodynamics 0
Electrostatic and electrodynamics 1


IMAT Math section breakdown from 2011 to 2022

Circle Equation

This topic required candidates to understand the properties of circles, including their equations and the relationships between their center, radius, and points on the circumference. Candidates were expected to be proficient in finding the equation of a circle, given specific information about its properties.

Logarithmic Equation

This subject tested candidates on their understanding of logarithmic functions and their properties, as well as their ability to solve logarithmic equations. Candidates were required to apply the rules and properties of logarithms to manipulate and solve equations involving logarithmic functions.

To prepare for the Mathematics and Physics section of the IMAT, candidates should build a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts and principles of these subjects. Regular practice with a variety of problems is essential for developing problem-solving skills and reinforcing understanding of the material. Candidates can benefit from using resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and practice exams to study and practice these topics. Engaging in group study sessions and discussing concepts with peers can also provide valuable insights and different perspectives on the subject matter. Additionally, keeping up with recent developments and research in the fields of mathematics and physics is important for staying informed on current trends and breakthroughs, as well as fostering a deeper appreciation for the subjects.

Topic Number of Questions
Algebra and numerical sets 2
Functions 0
Geometry 2
Probability and statistics 0